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Bills trying to get Eagles' Corey Simon!


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Josh Reed and a low pick for Simon.


Hear me out - I don't usually propose these wild trade scenarios, but this one makes perfect sense.  The Eagles NEED a WR, especially with Owens hurting again.  Reed would be a good fit in that offense - he's an excellent blocker and he's tough (he has stone hands and no confidence, but let's not tell them that).  Simon wants out of there - he's one of the better "penetrating" d-tackles in the league, a real quick, disruptive force when he wants to be.  You can't turn down the opportunity to get a player like that.




Owens is not "hurting". a minor thing that isnt even worth mentioning if his name wasnt ownes.



"The Eagles nearly had a deal done before the draft that would have sent Simon to the Baltimore Ravens for two draft picks, believed to be a second-rounder and a third-rounder. Baltimore could not come to contract terms with Simon, however."


Reed can go. and 2 of our 3rd rounders. i would go for that. he is set to make 5.1 mil as a franchise player.


can we make it so he only has a 3 mil cap hit for 4 years?

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Couldn't disagree more. One of the elements that made the mid-90's Cowboys so potent was the high level of talent and depth on their defensive line, allowing them to rotate linemen and keep them fresh, wearing down opposing o-lines. That's how you stuff the run and get to the QB. When it's nearing the end of the 3rd quarter and opposing O-line is getting tired, a fresh D line can create havoc and turnovers.


I think the Bills want to have the option to have this kind of D-line rotation.


Also....Adams and Edwards should be fine as a tandem. Anderson has potential the coaches seem to like, but he's effectively still a rookie and will be out-techniqued by experienced O-linemen. After Anderson, there's an even bigger drop in D-tackle depth. So what happens if Adams gets hurt and is out for an extended period? It could burst the bubble of the Bills defense, which is supposed to carry the team during Losman's first real exposure to playing with the big boys.


Bringing Simon in would also be a good move, looking forward past 2005. Adams is getting towards the end of his career and getting Simon now could allow the Bills to draft another need position in round 1 and not use it up on the D-tackle position.


Sounds like getting Simon would be a savvy move.


Have you ever watched Sam Adams huffing and puffing as he runs on and off the field when we start subbing him in and out on the same series? I think he is losing more energy than he would simply staying on the field. I never understood how making a 350 pounder run two 40 yard wind sprints in the middle of a game with only a few plays inbetween keeps them "fresh".

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Simon would give our defense the most importat aspect of todays nfl's defensive musts. INTERIOR PASS RUSH. It would also go a long way to adding depth on the most important part of any good defense quality defensive line. With Adams best days winding down, Corey Simon would fill a need. I'd do this for a 2nd and our 3rd in a heartbeat. It would cancel out the need to only draft a dt in next years draft.

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I think it is a good move, hopefully it is not the kind of thing that would prevent us from keeping Clements. i am sure we will make every effort to keep him - BUT his price is liable to be VERY high, considering his position and his excellent play as of late.


the other question that comes to mind is Ross Verba - i wonder if he is still out there. i know he is getting a little long in the tooth, but since he isnt getting the big contract offers he expected, i wonder if we could get him for a 1 or 2 year deal at 1 or 2 mil per year (from what i understand that would be better than the offers he has received so far). if we wound up with Verba AND Corey, then i think we would have a serious shot at greatness this year, young QB or not!

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I don't think you can ever have too many defensive linemen.



The best teams in the league agree with you- NE plays a 3-4 and has more quality down linemen on their roster today than we do, yet we're supposed to be going into '05 playing a 4-3. Philly just played in the Super Bowl and spent their 1st round pick on a DT. AJ Smith is considered by many to have the hottest hand for personell in the league right now- and with a team in the bottom of the league in passing D he used a first-rounder for an interior D Lineman.



The other side of your point is that you CAN have too few quality linemen and right now that's the status of our roster. Entering this season with the unproven Tim Anderson as part of a 3 man front that already includes another lineman who has failed to display good run stopping skills over his career is teetering on disaster in a division with the league's #1 rusher from last season PLUS Corey Dillon and Rickey Williams. In my dreams we end up with Corey Simon- if the Eagles allow their off-field distractions to end up sending him our way we will immediately graduate from a "less than convincing" DLine to one of the best in the league. If we enter the regular season with the roster we have today I'd be surprised to break .500 based upon the quality of running backs/offenses our schedule is throwing at us. Corey would change that dramatically because unlike Ron Edwards he plays with a center of gravity around his beltline and he consequently forces runners to move away from him. Edwards plays way too high and gets pushed all over the field by guards who get low on him.

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I don't think Simon will break the bank like some are suggesting. He is running out of options and may have backed himself into a corner with Philly's front office. I don't think he'd be that much more expensive that Pat Williams. 4 years, $20m. If Ralph wants to open the checkbook, Clements can still be extended under the cap. They can worry about Willis next year. Draft an LT or LB in the 1st round next year and things look good for the future.

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Four main issues here:


1) Simon would greatly help the Bills. If there is no clear available upgrade at LT, why wouldn't we spend the extra cash we have to improve the team?


2) Simon will demand a contract bigger than Pat's. He's younger and better. The Bills should have a big negotiating chip, however, in that he is franchised and scheduled for only $5.1 million this year.


3) In speaking of what the Eagles front office would or would not do, one would be remiss not to include the TO and Brian Westbrook unhappiness/hold-out ramifications:


Without a proven RB, the Eagles are a bit hamstrung here. They need to resign Westbrook. They may need some cap flexibility to do that. That would greatly help the Bills in Simon negotiations. The Eagles also might be trying to send a message: get in line (read: get to camp; honor your contract) or get out. Again, this would help the Bills in negotiation.


In either case, I can't foresee the Bills having to approach the Ravens' offer of a second and a third. I would think it would be something like one second-rounder.


4) The question of Simon v. Pat is not as simple as comparing the two. Simon is clearly the better and younger DT. The question is, what would you rather have, a) Simon, with a long-term extension or b) Pat Williams, with a long-term extension, and a second-round pick (or whatever else the Bills give up).

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4) The question of Simon v. Pat is not as simple as comparing the two.  Simon is clearly the better and younger DT.  The question is, what would you rather have, a) Simon, with a long-term extension or b) Pat Williams, with a long-term extension, and a second-round pick (or whatever else the Bills give up).


Good post. With #4 I'd have to say that right now the question isn't whether you'd rather have Simon or Pat and the pick. Pat's gone and he was going no matter what we did, I think. He's a 33-year-old defensive tackle who wanted money that would have been more for past performance than for any promise of future contributions. I think it would have been dumb to re-sign him myself; there's no point in giving a big contract to almost anyone in his 30s except for Pro Bowlers and Pat wasn't one.


The question is whether you'd rather have a 26-year-old Pro Bowl caliber DT who can team with Sam Adams right now, or just Sam Adams and Ron Edwards plus a pick or two in next year's draft. When you look at it that way, the choice becomes easier.


I'm not that worried about Nate. He's probably going to be gone anyway and this deal, if it happens, may just reflect how TD feels about his chances of keeping Nate.

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This story has as much credibility as all the TH to Philly ones did before...in other words, bupkis.


"Eagles president Joe Banner said he has not heard from the Bills, but he indicated he might be willing to listen if and when they do call. "


Philly's trying like crazy to dump Simon's salary and are floating stories like this to try and generate something. Its the same thing they did with Westbrook when they were trying to resign him.


As Labatt said, this kind of money would be better spent on NC than a DT already starting to go down hill a bit.

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Good post.  With #4 I'd have to say that right now the question isn't whether you'd rather have Simon or Pat and the pick.  Pat's gone and he was going no matter what we did, I think.  He's a 33-year-old defensive tackle who wanted money that would have been more for past performance than for any promise of future contributions.  I think it would have been dumb to re-sign him myself; there's no point in giving a big contract to almost anyone in his 30s except for Pro Bowlers and Pat wasn't one.


The question is whether you'd rather have a 26-year-old Pro Bowl caliber DT who can team with Sam Adams right now, or just Sam Adams and Ron Edwards plus a pick or two in next year's draft.  When you look at it that way, the choice becomes easier.


I'm not that worried about Nate.  He's probably going to be gone anyway and this deal, if it happens, may just reflect how TD feels about his chances of keeping Nate.



Agree with you. In writing #4, I was just trying to clarify all previous posts with Pat v. Simon.


Regarding Nate, I think TD is confident he can draft a starter if he can't come to a reasonable extension. The Bills have a great track record of drafting CB starters, and the CB draft bust ratio is not high.

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Thoughts? My thoughts are this isn't Madden 95. You can't take a bunch of crap and trade it for an all star.


Would you trade a Bills franchise player for a low pick and a back-up? Please.




Exactly. Now, maybe Ron Edwards or Sam Adams and Reed for Simon are possibilities the Eagles might go for.

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