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Environmental damage seen from Shuttle

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Our Government better wake up... especially the neocon Republicans who don't give a crap about our quality of life, the air we breath, the water we drink, and the enormous repercussions from the damage we are doing to our planet earth. All we get from them is "Bah Humbug", greed and special interest kickbacks instead of responsibility and looking out for our future. Environment isn't a tree hugger term... it's the very thing that sustains life here. Dems in congress should also be ashamed for not passing higher MPG standards.





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Our Government better wake up... especially the neocon Republicans who don't give a crap about  our quality of life, the air we breath, the water we drink, and the enormous repercussions from the damage we are doing to our planet earth. All we get from them is "Bah Humbug", greed and special interest kickbacks instead of responsibility and looking out for our future. Environment isn't a tree hugger term... it's the very thing that sustains life here. Dems in congress should also be ashamed for not passing higher MPG standards.



The emissions from computer monitors are killer. Even behind the LCD modern stuff, electromagnetic emissions assault you. Not to mention the phtalate contamination from the keyboard plastic keys you typed upon. Pay no attention to our increasing life span. Never use those developed drugs. DO NOT heat or cool your house. Pay no attention to the fact that the global warming crowd cites data from the past 8 or 9 thousand years' worth of climactic data but prefer to ignore the geological record concurrently obtained from previous epochs that provide refutation. It's a ruse. And we have to have a campaign against volcanoes...by gosh, that darn Mt. Pinatubo eruption in the Phillipines a good number of years back spewed more hydrocarbons and acids in the atmosphere then than what scientists postulate for the entire Industrial Revolution. Bad volcanoes...bad, bad, bad. Bad, bad, bad mankind. Bad, bad, bad propagandization..:blink:
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Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering how the !@#$ you can see "widespread environmental destruction" from 220 miles up? Can you see people who look like ants scurrying around and cutting down trees? I mean, i know your eyes hafta be good to get in the space program, but damn!

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erosion is nature's way of trying to get in to balance by consistantly changing.

hows that for a college education?? :blink:


deforestation is a problem, but most if it is occuring in other nations, with larger forests, and done by poor people just trying to survive and support their families.


i think things look alot diffrent to that guy.

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And we have to have a campaign against volcanoes...by gosh, that darn Mt. Pinatubo eruption in the Phillipines a good number of years back spewed more hydrocarbons and acids in the atmosphere then than what scientists postulate for the entire Industrial Revolution. Bad volcanoes...bad, bad, bad. Bad, bad, bad mankind.  Bad, bad, bad propagandization..:P


VERY TRUE. that is very true. but to me, its not the volcanoes pollution that causes the air in large cities to be bad, or cause that big cloud of smog to form. i believe that cars produce the most man made pollution in america. (i read that somewhere, but im to lazy to look it up). :blink: and to me, thats a bigger problem than all the other man made air pollution.

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Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering how the !@#$ you can see "widespread environmental destruction" from 220 miles up? Can you see people who look like ants scurrying around and cutting down trees? I mean, i know your eyes hafta be good to get in the space program, but damn!


well, you can make out coastlines, and large forests. but i want to know what they are comparing it to. none of those astronauts were up there 50 years ago.

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deforestation is a problem, but most if it is occuring in other nations, with larger forests, and done by poor people just trying to survive and support their families.


i think things look alot diffrent to that guy.






Its the poor people's fault? Forget mass trans-national corporations who roll down forests all over the world like they are dominos. Just stop selling axes to poor people.

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Sweet! Another thread filled with tons of liberal soundbytes.


America bad! Multi-Nationals bad! Kyoto Good!


I do like the fact that there was a marginal slap at the Dummys for not sticking to their guns on the MPG standard, as if that's their only environmental transgression over the last 30 years.

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I'm all for running Bush out of office and saving the environment, but this thread blows.


I thought Clinton declaring western low-sulfur coal off-limits so it could instead be imported from Indonesia from James Riady's and toady Charlie Trang's Lippo Group corporation to be a nice touch. Just as nice as the multi-billion $$$ India project that Administration entered into - one of what? -25 such sweetie deals with Enron?

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I have to make a few points here.


First of all, it is a FACT that hydrocarbon combustion, ie, burning gasoline in machine engines, contributes CO2 to the atmposhere.


It is a FACT that CO2 absorbs light in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, corresponding to heat.


It is a FACT that CO2 emmisions from anthropogenic sources have peaked in the last 50 years.


It is a FACT that scientists have shown that the atmosphere of the Earth in the past contained large amounts of CO2, and that the resulting climate at that time period was quite tropical.


However, there is to date no direct evidence that the rising average temperature of the Earth the last few decades is due to our input of greenhouse gases, or if the Earth is going through one of its periodic temperature flucuations. Anyone who claims otherwise is not being entirely truthfull.


We do know that increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere will in time contribute to increased temps. So it makes sense that we would try to curtail our input by using more fuel efficient processes. This we have done to a small degree, but it is countries like China who are the largest, or will soon be the largest offenders of these policies. As far as I know, they still have no limitations on CFCs, either in use or production.



Now back to the thread topic, I may be missing something but the article I got when I clicked the link was about a cancelled fourth spacewalk. No environmental damage stuff anywhere. Besides, I don't think anyone can rightly say that the see evidence of global warming from space.


And I also believe that it makes no sense to blame one political party over another. Both have made mistakes on legislation of this type in the past, and are likely to do so in the future. There was much debate and name-calling about the CFCs being responsible for ozone depletion and I am sure no one here is foolish enough to believe that this is "pseudo-science". In fact, the names Rowland, Molina and Crutzen should be known by every school-age child in the world, in my humble opinion....

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Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering how the !@#$ you can see "widespread environmental destruction" from 220 miles up? Can you see people who look like ants scurrying around and cutting down trees? I mean, i know your eyes hafta be good to get in the space program, but damn!



Extreme examples of deforestation in rain forests would be pretty evident, I'd think. So would the continuing southward march of the Sahara...not that there's anything we can do about that.

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Its the poor people's fault? Forget mass trans-national corporations who roll down forests all over the world like they are dominos. Just stop selling axes to poor people.



:P They are in denial... towing the party line of BS and ignoring science.

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Sweet!  Another thread filled with tons of liberal soundbytes.


America bad!  Multi-Nationals bad!  Kyoto Good!


I do like the fact that there was a marginal slap at the Dummys for not sticking to their guns on the MPG standard, as if that's their only environmental transgression over the last 30 years.



Absolutely not, but it is the most recent. All politicians are to blame when it comes to making their backers and voting districts happy just to keeep their jobs. There will be hell to pay, unfortunately it will be our grandchildren who pay the price, and then it will be too late to reverse it's effects.

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I thought Clinton declaring western low-sulfur coal off-limits so it could instead be imported from Indonesia from James Riady's and toady Charlie Trang's Lippo Group corporation to be a nice touch. Just as nice as the multi-billion $$$ India project that Administration entered into - one of what? -25 such sweetie deals with Enron?



It's Clinton's Fault! Not to mention that his administration was the most responsible to the environment of all modern day administrations. No critisizm of Bush? Nooooo, not by you.


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