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vic sort of pisses me off with his bills' reporting. i don't want him to be a homer or anything, but it seems to me that he goes out of his way to be pessimistic so that he doesn't appear to be biased towards the team he covered for so many years for the buffalo snooze.


he's also very wishy-washy when i listen to him on sirius; like he's afraid to take a strong stance on anything.


maybe others disagree, but i find myself tuning him out.

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I think that was a smart, sober piece on the situation we have with young

Mr. Losman. This kid has character and is working his tail off. He is going to make it in this league but expecting too much of him too early is simply unfair. I hope we fans don't add to the pressure on him by expecting too much. We will need to be patient. Every prediction that he is going to have a great year adds just that much more pressure making his progress that much slower.


I like Mularkey's attitude that the onus is on the coaches to scheme the offense so that the whole shebang doesn't rest on JP's shoulders. Of course, committing more to improving the offensive line might have been one way to do that.

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