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I forgot to post my report. Here it is...

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After having 5 practices in the last 3 days, the Bills toned it down a bit with a single practice today. They worked in the shade today on the grass practice field and had the shorts and shoulder pads on. There was some hitting, but it wasn't that intense. It seemed like a day for them to work on a few different drills and try to take it easy in the hot, August weather. CLICK HERE FOR MORE

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Thanks Mike! From your report the things I liked...


Williams taking it 8 yards up the middle. If he wants the #2 position he'll have to be able to run inside as well as outside. Hopefully the extra weight will allow him to do both. Any thoughts on blitz pick-ups by the RBs?


Thanks for the update on Peters and Preston. They are probably the two biggest 'how's XXXX doing' from us outoftowners.


Any mention of Fast Freddy is a good thing!


Thanks again.

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Shaud Williams has really impressed me so far and I wasn't a huge fan of his before. :devil:


As for Peters and Preston, Preston is doing better, but Peters is definitely learning how to become an OT rather quickly. ;)

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I like the play so far of this George Wilson kid (#15)



Practice squad. I totally agree with Paul Hamilton....unless the rookie WRs, other than Parrish really step up and impress the hell out of Mularkey, they have no chance, even Tony Brown. They may probably carry 2 of them on the practice squad though. :blink:

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