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Excelent 18 holes!

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Eleven holes-in-one in a single round...

Tue Aug 2,10:59 AM ET


SEOUL (Reuters) -


North Korea's Dear Leader Kim Jong-il never forgets a phone number, a cadre's career or a line of computer code.





According to an article posted Tuesday on a Web site run by North Korea, Kim wakes up early every day for intensive memory training where he sits down and commits to his keen mind items such as the phone numbers of workers in his Stalinist state.


"I remember all computer codes and telephones that workers are using now," Kim was quoted as saying on the Web Site "Uri-Min-jok-kiri" (www.uriminzokkiri.dprkorea.com), or "Among our People."


Kim surprised a group of North Korean officials attending a meeting in 2002 by recalling all their phone numbers "with lightning speed," the site said.


On a day Kim visited a cemetery, he looked around at the tombs and he remembered the achievements, characteristics, tastes and bereaved family members for hundreds of the dead by a quick glance at the names on tombstones, it said.


"All the attendants were surprised at his incredible memory," the site says.


North Korean propaganda is ripe with the amazing achievements of its Dear Leader. The highly controlled state also closely monitors its citizens to make sure they do not speak out against Kim or challenge his rule.


Kim pilots jet fighters, pens operas, produces movies and accomplished a feat unmatched in the annals of professional golf by shooting 11 holes-in-one on the first round he ever played.


The Web Site said Kim told all workers they should develop their ability to memorize. "The memory of a person gets better when a person uses their brain often," he was quoted as saying.

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Kim ... accomplished a feat unmatched in the annals of professional golf by shooting 11 holes-in-one on the first round he ever played.


The windmill must have fugged him up on one of the other holes.

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I work with a guy that got a hole-in-one the first (and only) time he played. Of course, it was in the typical beginner fashion: Skulled off a rock. He said he didn't have a score for the round because he picked up so many times. His line is the best: "I'm retired from golf. I have nothing left to prove."


Funny guy.

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I work with a guy that got a hole-in-one the first (and only) time he played.  Of course, it was in the typical beginner fashion:  Skulled off a rock.  He said he didn't have a score for the round because he picked up so many times.  His line is the best:  "I'm retired from golf.  I have nothing left to prove."


Funny guy.



Old B.C. comic strip:


First box: I sunk a hole in one, but there were no witnesses.


Second box: That's alright, God saw it.


Third box: Good. Come Judgement Day, the drinks are on me.



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