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This from a guy with a picture of a bunch of penguins......OK.



Only because I use them to torture inmates.


Hey Dev, I don't know if you get them down there but Cochran can't be dead, he's still doing his law firm commercials up here. As for Saddam, what was that line from Silverado? "We're going to give him a fair trial, followed by a first class hangin'"

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True, true.  The Picard pajamas are a dead give away.



Chicks dig the Picard jammies


but anyways, i'll give you the same retort that i gave BiB. it's just as true to you as it is to him...


so what if i'm a wussy.  i still get more tail than you


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Chicks dig the Picard jammies


but anyways, i'll give you the same retort that i gave BiB.  it's just as true to you as it is to him...



Well, we really have no way of knowing for sure. I suggest video diaries over a 90 day span. Same one twice doesn't count, only original material.

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Well, we really have no way of knowing for sure. I suggest video diaries over a 90 day span. Same one twice doesn't count, only original material.



How about I set up a webserver with live action webcam and streaming video downloads


Only $9.95 a month

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How about I set up a webserver with live action webcam and streaming video downloads


Only $9.95 a month



If we all do it, we could make that back easy - plus some.


Do we get extra points for a two-fer?

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