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Official poop-can Gandy thread

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I've read a real hodge-podge of remarks about Gandy.


Almost all of the 'fan' perspectives say he has issue with moving his feet and getting beat by Schobel.


Conversely - the media is tending towards saying Gandy is having a good camp so far. Chris Brown for example says he's impressed...


I think it might be too soon to tell. Gandy is average for sure - not any sort of upgrade over Jennings. He may play up to a level we can be confident in, but we're 4 days into a 4 week camp here and still over a month away from Houston. It's just too early to tell what's going on... Once we've scrimmaged against the Pack we'll know more. I expect to see some goalline situations and some situations where we ask the OL to do a lot. How Gandy performs in that scrimmage is going to tell us alot.

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Yeah, sound like a great forward-thinking plan. Screw him. Actually, I heard moulds dropped a pass so we should cut him as well. And JP has made some mistakes, so screw him. Gone, all of them!


Haven't heard one positive report from our TBD scouts-whom I have high recognition for. The weakest link. I say If he allows one sack Friday night he's toast. Hang'em high.....


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Maybe some here are missing the point. 3 TBD posters who have gone to camp say Gandy sucks. 3!!!!! That is good enough for me, and it should be good enough for TD as well. Get er done TD!!!!

Conversely, several posters on other websites have said he looked good, and the coaches (according to a guy who has access to them) like him. And it's still just a few days into camp.

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Maybe some here are missing the point. 3 TBD posters who have gone to camp say Gandy sucks. 3!!!!! That is good enough for me, and it should be good enough for TD as well. Get er done TD!!!!



God Bless you and your football knowledge sir. We did give him until 11p.m. Friday- If that's not sufficient I don't know what is.

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In the know-it-all fans' defense, I don't think Ziggy was ever going to be very successful here.  His moving on was probably better for everybody.



And If the fans could run a guy off , do you think Ryan Denney would still be here?

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And If the fans could run a guy off , do you think Ryan Denney would still be here?



Well, in dundy249's defense, I believe Chuck Dickerson's radio rants were primarily responsible for running off Glenn Parker. So it HAS happened that know-it-all fans (one at least, who has the credential of once being a position coach) have run off at least one player before.

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Well, in dundy249's defense, I believe Chuck Dickerson's radio rants were primarily responsible for running off Glenn Parker.  So it HAS happened that know-it-all fans (one at least, who has the credential of once being a position coach) have run off at least one player before.



Yeah, because management bases their decisions about player contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on the idiotic rantings of Coach Chuck Dickerson's mon-syllabic call-in listeners.


And if the position coach you mention is Chuck himself, I'm sure the organization holds the opinion of a fired, disgraced ex-coach in high regard.

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Yeah, because management bases their decisions about player contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars on the idiotic rantings of Coach Chuck Dickerson's mon-syllabic call-in listeners.


And if the position coach you mention is Chuck himself, I'm sure the organization holds the opinion of a fired, disgraced ex-coach in high regard.



My recollection is that Parker wasn't coming back, not that the front office cut him. My recollection could be wrong, however.


But I'm not wrong in saying that Dickerson caused a lot of problems with his anti-Parker rants. Ruben Brown was essentially forced to cancel his appearances on Dickerson's show because of peer pressure from the rest of the OL over Dickerson's constant bashing of Parker. I've heard - and it wouldn't surprise me in the least - that Parker basically said "I want out of this market and away from this guy." And I couldn't really blame him, either.

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My recollection is that Parker wasn't coming back, not that the front office cut him.  My recollection could be wrong, however.


But I'm not wrong in saying that Dickerson caused a lot of problems with his anti-Parker rants.  Ruben Brown was essentially forced to cancel his appearances on Dickerson's show because of peer pressure from the rest of the OL over Dickerson's constant bashing of Parker.  I've heard - and it wouldn't surprise me in the least - that Parker basically said "I want out of this market and away from this guy."  And I couldn't really blame him, either.



Yeah, right. And the tooth fairy told Glenn that the Giants were going to the SB, so he should sign with them. :D

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