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RW losing it or just a little ego


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I just want to get some opininons about RWs actions.

hi Mr Wilson and stuck out his hand. They shook and we proceeded to our seats.

The second my buddy turned away Ralph stuck his hands in the air and said

what the f-ck.

So any opinions....besides that my friend should not have approached him.



I would have handled this precisely the same way! 0:)

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Maybe he was like the 20th person that day to approach Ralph to chat or try and shake hands. I'd have to imagine it would become pretty annoying after a while. "Celebrities" are just like normal people in that they just want to be left alone to do there own thing sometime.


I saw Kareem Abdul Jabbar in Maui a couple days ago. Would have loved to get a picture with him but he was on vacation just like me. I'm not going to bother someone who is just trying to live daily life.


Maybe if people just left public figures alone in public once in a while they wouldn't have to appear as !@#$s when they get annoyed about being approached.

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I just want to get some opininons about RWs actions.

Last night Me and two friends went to the practice. We were walking toward the

bleachers and were looking for some seats.  About half way down Ralph was

standing there near one of the first rows. He was next to one of the attendants and

was looking at the field. my friend spotted him and just turned and said hi Mr Wilson and stuck out his hand. They shook and we proceeded to our seats.

The second my buddy turned away Ralph stuck his hands in the air and said

what the f-ck. Like whose this guy coming up to me...I was kind of put back by

this and thought to myself......never mind you don't want to know what I was thinking.

So any opinions....besides that my friend should not have approached him.



I know I'm old school, but it's customary for people to introduce themselves when they shake another's hand. Sounds like a shake-by, which is kind of rude. In any event, don't worry about it, Ralph is all full of himself now that he is dominating the ATP's over 85 rankings. Probably wondered why you didn't want him to autograph some fuzzy balls.


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... autograph some fuzzy balls. :lol:



I've heard about women getting celebs to sign their breasts, but this phenomenon is getting out of hand! 0:)


And Ralph's age is showing. The youth today just pronounce it: "Double U Tee Eff!"

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Perhaps Ralph is a really nice guy, and it was a delayed reaction to something that happened directly preceeding the handshake.


A bad thing happens (Ralph is disgusted)

Enter 14 year old, Shake.

Exit 14 year old.

"WTF" delayed reaction.

He just was a little too quick on the draw, so he was still looking at the nice young man who shook his hand.

Kind of like the time I hit my sister in the can with a dart. I started throwing the dart, she asked me a question during the release, I turned to acknowledge her, and boom, dart in the a$$. To this day I am still percieved as a jerk for this incident, but I swear it was an accident.


Extenuating circumstances man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You must be nuts. Go stand by the old administration building/suite entrance at RWS before a Bills game and watch Mr. Wilson come in to the stadium at about 12pm. He always shakes everybody's hand, takes pictures, signs autographs and is always polite and even modest with all the compliments people are throwing at him. He couldn't be nicer to the fans.


Maybe your friend just thought it Ralph and it was just some cranky old man who looks like him and didn't want to be bothered.



It probably wasn't Mr. Wilson- it was the dancing man from six flags

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Met ralph and got a picture with him. He couldnt have been any nicer to me. Thanked me for having season tickets, told me how much he enjoyed watching the team. So I think you either caught him on a bad day, or you are overly sensitive to something that didnt happen.

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Too bad Jerry Jones or Dan Snyder don't own the Bills.

Your friend probably would have ended up as the new owner.

That's what I've heard about those guys.


They meet some stranger at practice that's wearing their team's colors and they have everything they can do to resist the urge to sign the team over to them. The LEAST they do is invite them onto their yacht for a week's stay. Often they let the people have sex with their wives too. They're so incredibly nice. I just don't know how those nasty boy owner stories get started.


True story.

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Sounds like your friend has something on his hand that made Wilson says that.



It was a 14-y.o. boy who shook his hand, right? Had he just been in the bathroom/Port-A-Potty for an unusual amount of time after having seen the Jills? 0:)

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