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(OT) Now it's smashed kiwi fruit

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I've heard the TracyLee DVD thread referenced many times but have never actually read any of it until now.


I...I....I....I think I miss BF......  :D


BF, NJ Sue, WWvince, Tracy Lee...at least they are entertaining

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BF, NJ Sue, WWvince, Tracy Lee...at least they are entertaining


In a demented kind of way maybe. Sort of like a 150 car pile-up on the beltway. You know somebody seriously !@#$ed up to make it happen. But you can't help but look at it and think how !@#$ing stupid people can be.

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Call his disgrace of a father and tell him to come get his kid.


Sounds like this kid is in desperate need of Uncle Sam to come and square him away. Best thing for him. Boot camp, a rifle and 4 years of service.





Ya, like that would help... :blush::blush:


Military is learning they don't even what the liabilities anymore!

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:blink:  :D


Ya, like that would help... :blush:  :blush:


Military is learning they don't even what the liabilities anymore!


It probably would help, that's something that has been proven over and over. Doesn't always work, but for a kid who needs direction and purpose...best thing going.


Your second sentence makes much more sense than your first. :blink:

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It probably would help, that's something that has been proven over and over.  Doesn't always work, but for a kid who needs direction and purpose...best thing going.


Your second sentence makes much more sense than your first. :blush:



You understood any of it?

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cop: "step out of the car please"

stupid B word: "im callin somebody"

cop: "step out of the car"

stupid B word: "there aresting me, hes got a gun, and hes aresting me"

cop: "get out of the car or im going to tazer you"

cop: "get out of the car or i am going to tazer you!"

cop: "get out of the car, or i will TAZER YOU!!"






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cop: "step out of the car please"

stupid B word: "im callin somebody"

cop: "step out of the car"

stupid B word: "there aresting me, hes got a gun, and hes aresting me"

cop: "get out of the car or im going to tazer you"

cop: "get out of the car or i am going to tazer you!"

cop: "get out of the car, or i will TAZER YOU!!"



:blush:  :blush:  :blink:  :blink:



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cop: "step out of the car please"

stupid B word: "im callin somebody"

cop: "step out of the car"

stupid B word: "there aresting me, hes got a gun, and hes aresting me"

cop: "get out of the car or im going to tazer you"

cop: "get out of the car or i am going to tazer you!"

cop: "get out of the car, or i will TAZER YOU!!"



:blush:  :blush:  :blink:  :blink:


funniest post ever

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I do not pretend to have an answer for you, Melissa, because I have not had to raise teenagers as a single parent, work to support the household at the same time (and go to college in my "spare time").


Since his father appears to be a waste of genetic material (does he help at all?), is there anyone else who can intervene - an uncle, grandfather, family friend, minister, etc who can be of guidance? No doubt this kid needs a beating - if only to get his attention. :blush:


After that he needs a friend; an adult he can respect (preferably a man as a role model) to show him how to BE a man. Someone who he can talk to that he can trust and will pull no punches with him. I had a friend like that when I was a teen and he probably kept me out of jail. He is 19 years older than me and still one of my best friends.


My godson lives in the inner city and he has been driving his parents nuts. He has just started to come over on Saturdays and work in the yard with me. While we work, we talk and I teach him how to do things and fix things. If he does a job sloppily he does it over. When he bitches about his parents, I listen and may offer a bit of advice without preaching. After we work, we swim in the pool or just sit in the shade. But coming over a few times a month is not enough. I am terrified he will be in the paper one day as a victim of a drive by shooting.


From what you have told us, your son needs intervention now. I hope you can find some help. Good luck! :blush:


My son called me at work and asked me if he could have two "friends" in the house and since he has been fairly good lately, I said yes.  Bad idea.  I come home and the place is a mess -- soda cans and empty frozen pizza boxes all over.  And then I go into the kitchen and someone had smashed a kiwi fruit on the wall.  I asked my son who did it and he said he didn't know so I made him clean it up.


Well, a couple days later I go into the downstairs powder room, close the door, and there is another smashed kiwi fruit behind the door.  Ants were crawling over it and it had dried and was hard to get off.  My son wasn't home and it was so nasty and disgusting I had to clean it up.  I used a scrub brush and a lot of the paint came off and it looked like crap.  My daughter, who is well-intentioned but sloppy, painted the bathroom, left a mess, and in the process broke the bathroom mirror, which has to be replaced.


He wouldn't admit who did it but whoever did is demented.  Why would anybody do this? 


His case manager is working on a residential placement for him because the school year is coming up and I dread it.  Last year he was absent more than 20 times, would get up and leave school, curse at the teachers, etc.  I can't stay home and babysit him.


I don't know what's wrong with this damn kid.  When I was growing up, I cut school a few times at Nardin Academy when I was a senior, (you know senioritis), but I would NEVER dream of walking out of class.  I would get my @ss beat.  And if I cursed at one of the nuns, I would not be writing this because my parents would have killed me.


It's always something!


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At the risk of piling on a very long thread........Why do you keep asking your son, "who did this?" ? Based on your post, you allowed him to have friends over, (....that is not going to happen very soon again now is it? )But to my point, screw, who did it! Your son is in charge of the house, therefore he did it, when his friends come over, by asking him who did it, you allow him to give you an alibi, BS BS BS, "mom, johnny did it, not me", I wouldn't care if the Pope did it, your son is the one responsible for anything that happens, maybe if he takes the hit, swift and hard, (speaking figuratively) without you trying to disect the situation, he won't let his friends trash your property. Do not give him an out, hold him accountable for his actions and the actions of his "friends".


And yes sometimes even good parenting can still get you rotten kids, IMO.

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In a demented kind of way maybe.   Sort of like a 150 car pile-up on the beltway.  You know somebody seriously !@#$ed up to make it happen.  But you can't help but look at it and think how !@#$ing stupid people can be.



Why would it take a 150 car pileup? I'm resigned to that every time I walk out the front door.

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My son called me at work and asked me if he could have two "friends" in the house and since he has been fairly good lately, I said yes.  Bad idea.  I come home and the place is a mess -- soda cans and empty frozen pizza boxes all over.  And then I go into the kitchen and someone had smashed a kiwi fruit on the wall.  I asked my son who did it and he said he didn't know so I made him clean it up.


Well, a couple days later I go into the downstairs powder room, close the door, and there is another smashed kiwi fruit behind the door.  Ants were crawling over it and it had dried and was hard to get off.  My son wasn't home and it was so nasty and disgusting I had to clean it up.  I used a scrub brush and a lot of the paint came off and it looked like crap.  My daughter, who is well-intentioned but sloppy, painted the bathroom, left a mess, and in the process broke the bathroom mirror, which has to be replaced.


He wouldn't admit who did it but whoever did is demented.  Why would anybody do this? 


His case manager is working on a residential placement for him because the school year is coming up and I dread it.  Last year he was absent more than 20 times, would get up and leave school, curse at the teachers, etc.  I can't stay home and babysit him.


I don't know what's wrong with this damn kid.  When I was growing up, I cut school a few times at Nardin Academy when I was a senior, (you know senioritis), but I would NEVER dream of walking out of class.  I would get my @ss beat.  And if I cursed at one of the nuns, I would not be writing this because my parents would have killed me.


It's always something!



I have been fortunate in that my 2 teenagers are great students and keep out of trouble (so far). There are some punishments that can be meted out before having a male relative kick his ass.


Does he have a computer, ipod, tv in his room? Take them away for a few weeks. There must be something that he doesn't like to live without. Have you grounded him? Does it work? Give him an earlier curfew if that will work.


Do you give him an allowance? Cut it off if he doesn't listen to you. Get him a part time job doing some hard work.


You mentioned a case manager. Have you talked to him or her about any ideas to discipline the kid.


Good luck.

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