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(OT) Now it's smashed kiwi fruit

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My son called me at work and asked me if he could have two "friends" in the house and since he has been fairly good lately, I said yes. Bad idea. I come home and the place is a mess -- soda cans and empty frozen pizza boxes all over. And then I go into the kitchen and someone had smashed a kiwi fruit on the wall. I asked my son who did it and he said he didn't know so I made him clean it up.


Well, a couple days later I go into the downstairs powder room, close the door, and there is another smashed kiwi fruit behind the door. Ants were crawling over it and it had dried and was hard to get off. My son wasn't home and it was so nasty and disgusting I had to clean it up. I used a scrub brush and a lot of the paint came off and it looked like crap. My daughter, who is well-intentioned but sloppy, painted the bathroom, left a mess, and in the process broke the bathroom mirror, which has to be replaced.


He wouldn't admit who did it but whoever did is demented. Why would anybody do this?


His case manager is working on a residential placement for him because the school year is coming up and I dread it. Last year he was absent more than 20 times, would get up and leave school, curse at the teachers, etc. I can't stay home and babysit him.


I don't know what's wrong with this damn kid. When I was growing up, I cut school a few times at Nardin Academy when I was a senior, (you know senioritis), but I would NEVER dream of walking out of class. I would get my @ss beat. And if I cursed at one of the nuns, I would not be writing this because my parents would have killed me.


It's always something!

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So, your son trashed your house? Call the cops.


Sorry, but this is like the 5th post you've made about this monster. Either have his old man come over and give him a lesson with the back of his hand, or call the cops. Seems like the police will be in his future soon enough anyway. He obviously has ZERO respect for you (or anyone else for that matter). Good luck, but I'm wondering how your ex-husband allows him to be this big of a punk.

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So, your son trashed your house? Call the cops.


Sorry, but this is like the 5th post you've made about this monster. Either have his old man come over and give him a lesson with the back of his hand, or call the cops. Seems like the police will be in his future soon enough anyway. He obviously has ZERO respect for you (or anyone else for that matter). Good luck, but I'm wondering how your ex-husband allows him to be this big of a punk.





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His father and I are separated.  He doesn't get along with him at all.

If his dad isn't the one to do it, maybe there's another adult male relative who is willing to help teach him to be a man. The alternative is he will continue to learn lessons from other juveniles, which leads to the kind of genius that lead to kiwi on the walls. Teenage boys need an example to follow and learn from, and often aren't mature enough to pick out a good one on their own.

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sounds like he is well on his way to one day becoming some bad man's boyfriend. It might just be what he needs... a couple yrs. in a state pen.


kids usually don't come with a set of instructions. you raise em the best you know how, set a good example for them, kick their arses when they need it, and hope it's enough.


Some just turn out rotten to the core, others turn out sweet as grandma's apple pie. If a light doesn't go on in his head soon, it probably ain't gonna happen.

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sounds like he is well on his way to one day becoming some bad man's boyfriend.  It might just be what he needs... a couple yrs. in a state pen.


kids usually don't come with a set of instructions.  you raise em the best you know how, set a good example for them, kick their arses when they need it, and hope it's enough.


Some just turn out rotten to the core, others turn out sweet as grandma's apple pie.  If a light doesn't go on in his head soon, it probably ain't gonna happen.




Bingo!! We have a winner.

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May you never know the heartbreak of a wayward child.



No, may i not. I would never let my son turn into tht big of a punk. I'll do exactly what my father did.


"Wayward child"? Oh lord.. what a sugar coated term for "punk".


This kid needs a reality check, and if this is how that "young man" is treating his mother, then her ex-husband is not doing his fatherly duty by not taking care of this.



Lighten up francis? Ok, I'll just do what everyone else does and say "Oh, it'll get better... you'll be fine" and when she takes that advice and lets him carry on however he wants (for example giving him an inch by allowing him to have friends over and he trashes the house) don't be shocked when your taxes are paying for his cell and 3 squares a day in a few years.

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So, your son trashed your house? Call the cops.


Sorry, but this is like the 5th post you've made about this monster. Either have his old man come over and give him a lesson with the back of his hand, or call the cops. Seems like the police will be in his future soon enough anyway. He obviously has ZERO respect for you (or anyone else for that matter). Good luck, but I'm wondering how your ex-husband allows him to be this big of a punk.



So, AD and Tom, there you are not wrong. I just disagree with the questioning of the parenting. That's all.


Goodnight all.

The Stoj - Doing What He Does


Nice change of stance. Welcome to the party, pal. I've missed ya... :D

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