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ROME TRANSCRIPT OF JP INTERVIEW (not word for word, but as fast as I could type):

ROME:  Are you ready to start in the NFL?


JP:  I did a lot of work in the offseason


ROME:  Talk to me about the work you did...


JP:  The thing you want to do the most is learn what you offense is supposed to do and to execute it perfectly.  Then critique other defenses and start worrying about the other team. 


ROME:  How do you earn trust of vets?


JP:  Tough, not beating somebody out, but show dedication and work ethic, leadership starting coming out.


ROME:  You can only do so much right now, basically you need to make the plays on Sunday to earn it right?


JP:  Correct, you need to win the games to prove you belong.


ROME:  How long did it take you to figure it out how good the fans of Buffalo were?


JP:  I thought I figured  it out pretty quick.  I've noticed lately that everybody is very excited about the season, even more so than I thought. 


ROME:  Is it overwhelming?


JP:  No I've been playing football since I was 5. 


ROME:  Talk about your maturity.


JP:  I did what my family wanted going to UCLA but I really wanted to go away and realized quickly I wasn't experiencing college how I wanted to be.  I left after a quarter to do what I wanted to. 


ROME:  Could you have been the same guy if you stayed at UCLA?


JP:  I think I would have done well, but I don't think I would have been as mentally strong or mature staying at home. 


ROME:  You were never babied, you grew up with 8 people in 2 bedrooms, your mother sacrificed a lot for you, how do you repay your mother's sacrifice?


JP:  I'm not sure, if there was a $ I would but I think I can just be the best person I can be. 


ROME:  Was it a tough childhood? 


JP:  A little bit, without a father, and such a big family ther was no chance to be by yourself. 


ROME:  As a QB you're a leader, talk about fitting in, you weren't mexican enough for the mexicans or white enough for the whites,


JP:  you rely on sports, they give you confidence and teamwork and keep you out of trouble.  I don't speak spanish and white people said i had a slur, the african americans on the football team were good friends. 


ROME:  Doesn't matter if your black white or green if you can play right?


JP:  if you play hard and do the job, everyone will back you.


your employer would be proud

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