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Why is it that you can't make sarcastic, stereotypical fun of people from North Carolina without everyone getting all defensive, but find one chucklehead making a 60-minute pickle-juice-soaked retatta and suddenly it's okay for everyone to play "Pile on the 'tard"?


Because it's OK for individuals to take themselves and the things THEY like too seriously, but no one can take BF seriously. Coli has the best line on that subject.

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Why does LA hate all things Carolinian?  Is it true he was conceived by the union between a banjoo player and a gap toothed veterinarian?


He never came to grips with being passed over for promotion at "Three Tooth, Inc." The fact that he refused to come to meetings with the required pre-lunch gravy stained t-shirt contributed to his demise.

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I just ate half a can of some type of beef soup that I bought at Wegmans. Problem is I don't live in Buffalo anymore and haven't set foot in Wegmans for about 5 years. Should I be concerned?


After listening to your last few broadcasts, I'm quite convinced that you've been dead for at least that long and are the only one who isn't aware of it. Get in the box.

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Will that Robot guy from Japan make a fully functional, anatomically correct female robot and marry her ?

Probably - I'm sure it'll be a beautiful ceremony.


Would it be rape if you forced the robot to have sex with you ?


Nah, but you'd still be pathetic.

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Why do some people that smoke, throw their butts out the car window instead of using the ashtray?  It's not like the car doesn't already reek of smoke, so what's the big deal with using the ashtray.


It's the only rebellion smokers have left. Someday those of you who advocate removing this from society will rue all these people living longer.

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TV Commercials: Have you noticed on TV commercials most of the time the butt of the joke and the classic idiot is white WASP male? Everyone on TV is smarter than him. The wife, girlfriend, kids, dog, neighbors all know better. Now we have the phrase ... it's so simple even Dad can do it. What happened?

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TV Commercials:  Have you noticed on TV commercials most of the time the butt of the joke and the classic idiot is white WASP male?  Everyone on TV is smarter than him.  The wife, girlfriend, kids, dog, neighbors all know better.  Now we have the phrase ... it's so simple even Dad can do it.  What happened?


Hollywood + Motherment = the Emasculation of the American male.

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