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I have recently become aware of the existence of a man named Fred Phelps, leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, which apparently is run in the basement of his compound in Kansas. I saw him briefly interviewed in the new show 30 Days because he is a major, major anti-gay proponent. Now, I'm not here to start a debate about gay rights or anything, but if you guys are not aware of this man's viewpoints then I'd like to make a few of them available.


Let me just state that after reading these quotes I was sick, sick to my stomach knowing that these came from an American, a Kansas born and raised middle American. This group of individuals, who don't even deserve to be called human beings let alone Americans are beyond description of any kind.


On the Sept 11th attacks-


Phelps' group went to New York City to protest the rescue efforts going on there, mocking victims as they were taken from the rubble, shouting obscenities at rescue workers, and demanding that those still alive be left to die. Phelps reasoned that God had caused the terrorist attacks as a punishment for tolerance of homosexuality, and that it was God's will that those who suffered in the attacks should die. Signs carried at the Ground Zero site included, "THANK GOD FOR SEPT. 11", "FDNY SIN (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "NYPD FAGS (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "YOUR PENTAGON IS SQUARE", and "TOWERS CRASH, GOD LAUGHS".


On his support of Saddam -


In 1997, before the fall of Saddam Hussein during the Iraq War, Phelps wrote him a letter praising his regime, and received special permission from the Iraqi government to send a group of his children to Baghdad to protest against the American government. Hussein granted permission, and a group of WBC congregants traveled to Iraq to protest against the U.S. The parishoners stood on the streets of Baghdad and in heavily patronized Baghdad establishments holding signs reading:


GO HOME (with a cartoon of Bill Clinton)

BABY KILLER (with a cartoon of Hillary Clinton)

BABY KILLER (with a cartoon of Bill Clinton)



STOP THE HOLOCAUST (in reference to Phelps' "Topeka Baptist Holocaust" campaign)

FAG USA (with a picture of an inverted, burning American flag)

USA SIN (with a picture of anatomically incorrect stick figures engaged in anal sex)

Phelps mourned the fall of Hussein's regime and has consistently criticized the invasion of Iraq, citing, "IRAQ=USA=SODOM" and keeping a toll on his webpage celebrating the death of every American soldier killed and pronouncing loyalty to Iraq.



That's justa few and while hopefully this guy's views are not being spread about too widely, I just though some people might want to know about it. There's a lot more to read on him and his "cult"


Fred Phelps

His messiah even hates Sweden




Finally, a theological reason to hate the Toobies.



Yea like I said I was in total shock the more I read about this guy. I mean there's hate speech, and then there is this stuff, which is beyond anything I have ever heard before.


Is this the godhatesfags group? Howard Stern had them on. What a bunch of loonies.

Is this the godhatesfags group? Howard Stern had them on. What a bunch of loonies.



Yes its the same guy that Howard had on, I first saw him on the Morgan Spurlock show on FX.


On the Sept 11th attacks-


Phelps' group went to New York City to protest the rescue efforts going on there, mocking victims as they were taken from the rubble, shouting obscenities at rescue workers, and demanding that those still alive be left to die. Phelps reasoned that God had caused the terrorist attacks as a punishment for tolerance of homosexuality, and that it was God's will that those who suffered in the attacks should die. Signs carried at the Ground Zero site included, "THANK GOD FOR SEPT. 11", "FDNY SIN (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "NYPD FAGS (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "YOUR PENTAGON IS SQUARE", and "TOWERS CRASH, GOD LAUGHS".




I believe in free speech, but you would think that his group would have gotten their asses kicked in NYC for doing this. :angry:

I believe in free speech, but you would think that his group would have gotten their asses kicked in NYC for doing this.  :angry:



I get to see the group's antics nearly every day (and yes, they picket nearly every day). He was actually a pretty good civil rights lawyer before he got disbarred. (A federal judge I knew claimed he was the best lawyer that had ever been before him). People have tried to run him out of town, he almost always wins in court though. Those who handle the group the best are those that just ignore them, which is most people here now. Its a good test of the first amendment.


A good series of articles:




Check out the photo gallery, you'll get to see what we see nearly every day.


I wish a larger group of gays and dykes would just walk up and beat the crap out of them. Kind of like in Shakes The Clown, when the clowns would leap from their cars to beat the crap out of mimes.

Q: Are you trying to link him to Baptists in general, because he sure as hell doesn't sound like any Baptist I've ever met.




Trust me, he's not like many people, baptist or otherwise. He's a unique character in Americana, who's carved out a niche for himself in the area of Nutsiness.


I don't know if I'd put him before or after Marshall Applewhite, but they'd be close.

I wish a larger group of gays and dykes would just walk up and beat the crap out of them. Kind of like in Shakes The Clown, when the clowns would leap from their cars to beat the crap out of mimes.




Not really, but the future is clear.

I wish a larger group of gays and dykes would just walk up and beat the crap out of them. Kind of like in Shakes The Clown, when the clowns would leap from their cars to beat the crap out of mimes.




It's happened before, on several occasions. It just eggs him on.


For my English 110 class we had to do a research paper. I did mine on the Matthew Shepard case and Phelps' group protested at his funeral. They lined the streets of the processional with signs that said "Matthew is in Hell," "God Hates Fags," "He got what he deserved," and so on. When I read that my jaw dropped. It prompted me to do more research and I went to his website. Needless to say, it was pretty effed up.


Their group was in Massachusetts last June. They were protesting against Catholics & gays. Worst signs were "Pope in Hell" Local Mass. people on the news that day were saying they were better than the protesters & weren't going to do anything against them. Somebody should have beaten the s**t out of them instead of taking the high road.

Their group was in Massachusetts last June.  They were protesting against Catholics & gays.  Worst signs were "Pope in Hell"  Local Mass. people on the news that day were saying they were better than the protesters & weren't going to do anything against them.  Somebody should have beaten the s**t out of them instead of taking the high road.



Ignoring people or being nice to them works. I marched in a pro-Bush rally in downtown SF after the 2000 election. We were totaly peaceful and listened to the cops. One of our group (a woman) got spit on. Did we beat the guy up?-No, we told the cops. When marching we got a lot of birds flipped at us by "tolerant" San Franciscians.

What I did was blow kisses and say "Thank You! Yes, we're #1!" You should have seen the look of hate in their eyes when it didn't rile us to violence.

Their group was in Massachusetts last June.  They were protesting against Catholics & gays.  Worst signs were "Pope in Hell"  Local Mass. people on the news that day were saying they were better than the protesters & weren't going to do anything against them.  Somebody should have beaten the s**t out of them instead of taking the high road.



Funny, though, when I say something like that about some leftist loony, I'm called nuts. Double-standard, anyone?

Funny, though, when I say something like that about some leftist loony, I'm called nuts. Double-standard, anyone?


That's the thing about looniness, its equal oportunity. :blush:

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