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Don't get me wrong, I'll still be harrassing all of you lunkheads from time-to-time, especially after training camp is well underway.  In the meantime, if you have a question, feel free to to PM me, but all of my health updates will be on my blog.  Later today I'll post the results of the biopsy on it (keep your fingers crossed!).


Again, to those of you I've met and to those of you I've yet to meet, I sincerely thank you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. 




If it makes it ANY better for you in any way, I hereby volunteer and offer my services as your personal Lunkhead to harass at will as you may wont. :)


God Bless, Chris. We all wish you the best.

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Just wanted to let you know that I tried to post a congratulations on your blog, and comments are broken. :-)


Thanks for the heads-up. I goofed and forgot to uncheck the "Admin must approve all comments" thingy. All set now.


Thanks for the kind words, but the Bills' home opener is still being played in Orchard Park. :rolleyes:

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Thoughts and prayers heading your way. Rituxan is an early stage of a very exciting new approach to beating cancer. If it doesn't completely eliminate your NHL, it should at least hold you over until they make these immunotherapeutic drugs more powerful. I'm hoping if my wife ever develops HL again that'll be the cure as well. God bless!

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UPDATE: Pathology results back.  I'll let you surf on over to my blog to read the details, but I'll say it's VERY GOOD NEWS!




Glad you have good news. I heard about some guy who beat non hodgkins lymphoma, then went on to win the tour de france 7 times in a row. If you know how to ride a bicycle, you should begin training for next year.

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