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My last LAMP


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Good luck, and god bless Campy. I will pray for you and the family.


You have a great attitude, and that will go a long way in beating this. It's what has kept my brother alive, long after Roswell gave up.

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Chris and Teresa, Garbage Plates will be waiting for you in Rochester!  ;)


See you in September.  :(


You never know, the carmelization process just might be the cure! :)

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Let us know when you update your blog!


Hang in there...



The nice thing about blogs is that most (including Chris') support RSS, which allows for automatic notification in a number of ways when he updates his blog. Over-simplified, but read up (if you have Mozilla, you'll see a little orange icon at the bottom-right of the browser when you're there...click it to setup a "Live Bookmark"...also check for extensions here).


Not discouraging Campy from providing updates here, but just providing info to others who may not be aware of this feature.

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Good to hear you will not have to fight both lymphoma and

melanoma at the same time, one is MORE THAN enough!


Just to give you a bit of a heads up, I was Rituxan last summer

4-week course once a week, the first one will knock you on your

ass! I was given an 30 min IV of something to limit the

side effects AND 50mg of benadrl, i was flying for the

1st hour then took a nap and I was 1/2 done with the

first treatment.


The successive treatments were not as bad but they were still

worse than I remember chemo to be the first 2 times I went

though it, must be because I'm over 40 now and not

9/10 like the first time :)


As Jimmy V used to say "don't give up! DON'T EVER GIVE UP!"



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The nice thing about blogs is that most (including Chris') support RSS, which allows for automatic notification in a number of ways when he updates his blog.  Over-simplified, but read up (if you have Mozilla, you'll see a little orange icon at the bottom-right of the browser when you're there...click it to setup a "Live Bookmark"...also check for extensions here).


Not discouraging Campy from providing updates here, but just providing info to others who may not be aware of this feature.


That's exactly why I'm blogging it.


I don't mind discussing or talking about my cancer, but I don't want to be the guy who walks into a room and everyone has that "Do we ask him or just let him tell us?" thing going on. It already happened at 3 parties I went to over the 4th of July weekend and it's kinda' uncomfortable, probably more uncomfortable for others than for me, but uncomfortable all the same.


While I really do appreciate the interest and level of sincerity that my TBD friends have shown, I'd rather not post more LAMPs about it. I don't mind being the center of attention, but not for those types of reasons. I'll always accept good thoughts and prayers, but I'm just not one that likes to be fussed over


If you're interested, I'd love to share how things are going (hence the blog), but at the same time, I don't want it to throw it in people's faces via LAMPs.

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