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Howdy folks. I can't really say for sure what is going on with me but I am pretty fuggin sick. I went and spent tuesday and wed at the hospital where they did like a million and 5 tests on me. I haven't been able to swallow in nearly a week. I feel really disoriented. My skin is very pale.


I'm freezing cold but I'm sweating in buckets. I seriously lost 18 lbs since sunday.



Pray for me because I am very afraid something is REALLY wrong.



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Howdy folks.  I can't really say for sure what is going on with me but I am pretty fuggin sick.  I went and spent tuesday and wed at the hospital where they did like a million and 5 tests on me.  I haven't been able to swallow in nearly a week.  I feel really disoriented.  My skin is very pale.


I'm freezing cold but  I'm sweating in buckets.  I seriously lost 18 lbs since sunday.

Pray for me because I am very afraid something is REALLY wrong. 






Best wishes for a lightning quick recovery!


Trying to stay positive, I'll admit losing nearly 20 lbs didn't hurt. :P


Now if someone can get the razor blade out of my throat so I can fuggin eat something.


4 days no food and extremely wobbly on my feet.


I tried Pudding and Jello, no luck, it still hurt to swallow. Any suggestions?

Trying to stay positive, I'll admit losing nearly 20 lbs didn't hurt.  :P


Now if someone can get the razor blade out of my throat so I can fuggin eat something. 


4 days no food and extremely wobbly on my feet. 


I tried Pudding and Jello, no luck, it still hurt to swallow.  Any suggestions?


I wish I had the answer for you, friend. Get well soon!


You can't keep this up


Gatorade will help with the potassium and your electrolites

The players take pedilite(kids medicine) to boost their systems after workouts.


I personally think that you need to go to the ER for an IV because you are dehydrating your body.

Trying to stay positive, I'll admit losing nearly 20 lbs didn't hurt.  :P


Now if someone can get the razor blade out of my throat so I can fuggin eat something. 


4 days no food and extremely wobbly on my feet. 


I tried Pudding and Jello, no luck, it still hurt to swallow.  Any suggestions?



Have you seen a doctor? A trip to the hospital would probably be best advice.

I tried Pudding and Jello, no luck, it still hurt to swallow.  Any suggestions?


Prayers out to you, sir. You really need to get back to the doctors.


By the way, I put in a call to Paris Hilton on her Sidekick. If ever there was a person who could swallow anything at any time, it's her. Maybe she has some tips. :lol:


Good luck and our prayers are for you. Hope you feel better.


It is important to keep the body hydrated...if you cannot get

anything in through your mouth, you definitely need an IV at

the ER.

Trying to stay positive, I'll admit losing nearly 20 lbs didn't hurt.  :lol:


Now if someone can get the razor blade out of my throat so I can fuggin eat something. 


4 days no food and extremely wobbly on my feet.  


I tried Pudding and Jello, no luck, it still hurt to swallow.   Any suggestions?



Get well soon man! I was sick like that once before, you need to drink lots and lots of Gatorade and slowly move on to foods that can stay down, even just a loaf of bread.


I'd recommend going with the Gatorade Endurance Formula, that will make up for lost fluids.


Sounds pretty bad...if you've lost that much weight and can't eat or drink, get yourself over to the hospital for some IV's. You need nourishment, especially if you're trying to fight something off.

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