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T.O.'s comments on ESPN


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I just heard TO speaking on ESPNews.


"He's doing this because it's what's best for his family. I don't really have to play for the Eagles, I can go for any other team."

I thought agents were suppose to be intelligent. If so, why don't they advise their clients to never say that."


"If we can't reach an agreement we can be adults and they can trade me, release me."

I guess TO has never heard of the salary cap, because if he had, he'd know there is no way Phily can trade him one year into a seven year deal.


He also basically said he'd like to play in Atlanta.


Man, this is one great football player but one giant @$$hole. He should learn to just shut up and let Drew do the talking.

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P





Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is. He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....


Screw him - so using your logic, if Willis should rush for the most yards this year we should redo his contract; at some point owners need to stop accommodating these crybabies and make them play out their contracts. Philly needs to stick to their guns.

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....


He IS getting paid, and rather well, under a contract he willingly signed. NFL teams DO honor contracts. You are getting confused by the fact that most NFL contracts are not guaranteed for their nominal life.


TO DOES have to honor his contract, or he won't get paid. I hope the Eagles stick to their guns and make him meet his contractual obligation.

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Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....



Please....he seemed ok with the contract a year ago when he whined about being traded to Baltimore and not Philly. Once he hired that pr*ck Drew Rosenhaus, I knew this was coming.


I, too, hope the Eagles stick to their guns and do nothing. Don't negotiate with him AND don't trade him. Doing either is exactly what he wants.


I laughed when he said he's "doing this for his family". Maybe he's been hanging around Latrell Sprewell too much.

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....

Conversely then, players should be forced to give back money when they don't live up to their contracts. You have a great year and want more coin, fine. Then when you have a bad one, give it back.

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I don't have a problem that TO wants a new contract, Bruce Smith did this all the time. But its the way he is going about it that is all wrong.


You never win drawing a line a sand and saying, I won't do this and I won't do that unless.....


If he had done this quietly, Phily may have shown more willingness to work with him, but when he grabs a bullhorn (well TO doesn't need a bullhorn), and shouts at the clouds, he blew any chance he had to win!

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....


Bullsh*t!!! It would be a bit different if this was the 5th or 6th year in a seven year deal. But he just signed this LAST year. He cried about going to the Ravens last year to become an Eagle, now he's crying about that. What an !@#$!

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....




As with many posters on this board, TO conveniently forgets about the huge signing bonus portion of his compensation when he whines about his low 2005 salary.


If TO felt he deserved to be the highest paid WR, then he should have negotiated such a deal when he became a free agent last year.


Oh wait- he twisted the rules last year and forced a trade to Baltimore that he ultimately didn't like and voluntaruly agreed to sign with Philly and played in the SuperBowl.


TO and Rosenhaus have picked the absolute worst team in the league to pull this nonsense on - because it has been their long standing philosophy to not re-do contracts and overpay aging players who may soon hit the wall.


People forget that TO was injured last year and the Eagles still made it to the SuperBowl without him.



TO and Javon Walker can have a nice time holding out together.

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :P 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....


I understand your logic as well as the players but in TO's case: SCREW HIM! A player who was considered a steal or sleeper who was a lower round draft pick who has well exceeded his contract I can side with; Jevon Walker or an Antonio Gates if he has another banner year but TO? He signed a contract last year making him one of the top 3 highest paid WR in the league. Then he cries about having to feed his family when I saw the show on ESPN when he was with Funk Master Flex showing off all his custom rides? He is so stupid as after his heroic Super Bowl performance he could have made 5 times as much money as he could off a slight increase in his salary. Instead he has just killed him image and has just made people hate him more.

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Damn TO for wanting to get paid.... DAMN HIM.... We all know NFL Teams always honor the contracts they sign players too.... TO should just be proud to wear the unifrom....... :lol: 

Owens is going about this the wrong way, and not saying the brightest things, but the bottom line is.  He doesn't have to honor the contract, and should be paid accordingly to his talent, which would be the HIGHEST PAID WR IN THE NFL.....




Agreed....Usually the guys who don't pout get their job done....Bottom line

is a contract is meaningless in NFL...The fact that teams are allowed to

drop your contract (especially the backloaded ones), means that there

should be no obligation on the part of the player to honor the terms of the

contract...NFL is a tough sport.....today you might be the best player...tomorrow

due to an injury everything will go down the tubes....Ask Andre Reed how

he felt when that idiot Jets safety Green lifted him and threw him and caused

his groin tear.....That was his contract year.......

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Please....he seemed ok with the contract a year ago when he whined about being traded to Baltimore and not Philly. Once he hired that pr*ck Drew Rosenhaus, I knew this was coming.




I don't understand why Drew is a Prick...He is your agent...The agent is

allowed to look for the best deal for his client within the laws negotiated

by the parties....The last time I checked there was no law in the NFL

labor agreement that required a NFL team to not cut its player in the

middle of a contract nor required a player to honor a sh------- contract for

the length of the contract.

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He makes me appreciate Eric Moulds more and more.



How come....EM knows that no one will pay more than what he is

getting from the bills (BTW he is getting pretty good money from the

bills)....TO thinks otherwise...He knows there are the Atlantas and

Washingtons who will take him in a heartbeat for the contract that

he is demanding.


When there is an oppurtunity to make more money whethter it is

100 or 1000 or 1M, people are always going to be looking out for

their best interest...

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