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Just watched some previews on my TiVo and the show looks pretty good. It looks like it might be sorta like "Band of Brothers" (from what I've read -- I havn't gotten around to seeing BoB yet). Looks like it tells the story of some people who are stationed in Iraq and what their life is like. Hopefully it's not political, and instead just tells a good story. We'll see what happens.


The Pilot is on at 10pm EST on the FX channel (DirecTV 248) on 7/27. Looks like it might be playing on DirecTV 581 several times the day before it's shown on FX as well. Yet another reason DirecTV is better than cable :D




Of course, since it's on a Fox network, chances are it'll be awesom and then be cancelled, ala Firefly (http://www.serenitymovie.com)



I've already got Tivo set up for it, Fez. I really like a lot of the FX shows. Rescue Me is really good, too.


See ya!


Anyone watch this show tonight? It was *VERY* well done... Rather somber. Definately NOT for the kids.


Speaking of which, since when is swearing allowed on "regular" TV? There was quite a bit of vulgarity being thrown around and it surprised me when I first heard it. Are all FX shows like that? Or does this one get some sort of pass?


Anyway, I highly recommend it to everyone, as long as you don't mind seeing some pretty intense graphics and subject matter.



Thanks for the reminder.  I just Tivo's it.



No problem. You better post about it when you're done watching it though...


DirecTV had a special sneak peek last night, so I guess most people here havn't seen it yet... 0:)



Anyone watch this show tonight?  It was *VERY* well done...  Rather somber.  Definately NOT for the kids.


Speaking of which, since when is swearing allowed on "regular" TV?  There was quite a bit of vulgarity being thrown around and it surprised me when I first heard it.  Are all FX shows like that?  Or does this one get some sort of pass?


Anyway, I highly recommend it to everyone, as long as you don't mind seeing some pretty intense graphics and subject matter.






You watched it? I thought it was on tonight?

You watched it?  I thought it was on tonight?



Yup, DirecTV aired it early as part of a promotion. Didn't realize it at first, just saw the show in my "Now Playing" list, so watched it.


However, it was very good (if not a bit disturbing...). Can't wait to hear what everyone else here thinks.


Yup, DirecTV aired it early as part of a promotion.  Didn't realize it at first, just saw the show in my "Now Playing" list, so watched it.


However, it was very good (if not a bit disturbing...).  Can't wait to hear what everyone else here thinks.





Hopefully it wasn't politically motivated. I hope they put our soldiers in a good light. I'll be taping (yeah VCR) tonight along with Brat Camp (ABC), and SURVIVOR I which is airing on the Outdoor Life Network.

Hopefully it wasn't politically motivated.  I hope they put our soldiers in a good light.  I'll be taping (yeah VCR) tonight along with Brat Camp (ABC), and SURVIVOR I which is airing on the Outdoor Life Network.



Nope, it's not political at all. Apparantly the producers are making a point not to make it political.


The best part of the show was (do not read below if you don't want to see it -- it doesn't give plot away, but it gives the funniest part of the show away):













One of the soldiers is doing a video email to send back home. I'll clean up the language, but he says, "Hi honey. Well, I'm finally in poopville." The video stops, and the woman doing the recording says, "I'm sorry soldier, you can't tell people where you are." He looks incredulous and says, "I didn't say where I was, I said I was in poopville. Have you seen any signs directing you to downtown poopville? No." The camera operator then says, "I'm sorry, but if you can't follow the rules you won't be allowed to continue." Hilarious (especially because I can see that being true, just like the story I posted a few days ago about soldiers not being allowed to bring lighters and nail files on a plane, but they're allowed to bring their assault rifles).














One of the soldiers is doing a video email to send back home.  I'll clean up the language, but he says, "Hi honey.  Well, I'm finally in poopville."  The video stops, and the woman doing the recording says, "I'm sorry soldier, you can't tell people where you are."  He looks incredulous and says, "I didn't say where I was, I said I was in poopville.  Have you seen any signs directing you to downtown poopville?  No."  The camera operator then says, "I'm sorry, but if you can't follow the rules you won't be allowed to continue."  Hilarious (especially because I can see that being true, just like the story I posted a few days ago about soldiers not being allowed to bring lighters and nail files on a plane, but they're allowed to bring their assault rifles).







All pretty accurate. I've often thought about writing a show based on military life. It could go on for YEARS.

All pretty accurate.  I've often thought about writing a show based on military life.  It could go on for YEARS.



Seems to be what this show is going for. So far, so good.



Seems to be what this show is going for.  So far, so good.




I wouldn't take license, as Bochco alluded to. There really isn't any reason too. It's such a different culture that in the right hands it would really open a window to people who simply can't fathom it.




The creator has said multiple times that he isn't going to have any political overtones. Some of the characters may have biases, but that's to be expected.



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