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He's from Buffalo, too.


Another white male. He'll probably nominate a woman to be Chief when Renquist steps down, and chalk that up under his 'legacy' thingy.

President Bush has chosen federal appeals court judge John C. Roberts Jr. as his nominee to the Supreme Court...


Awesome choice!



Anyone know who the hell he is?

Awesome choice! 

Anyone know who the hell he is?




I absolutely love this pick.


Solid choice...from a moderate's point of view. Very bright and isn't a zealot. Roe v. Wade is safe.




He made other comments to the effect that Roe was the law of the land in his confirmation hearing. Besides, this is an old-school conservative who'll honor stare decisis; he isn't the cultural conservative that will rock the boat.


I put little stock in the brief; IMO, he was zealously representing his client.


This is the kind of lawyer the bench needs.


regardless, if R v. W was overturned it would just go back to the states. MD has already passed a state amendment declaring abortion to be legal, so it will always be legal here in MD.


He's supposedly a smart guy and a jurist with an impeccable reputation. I don't give a rat's ass about his idealogy as long as he checks it at the door when he goes in. A real jurist rules on the law, not on the issues.

Another white male.


Thank GOD. I so glad he didnt pick another ni**er or spi**c, right? :doh:


In all seriousness, when I clicked CNN and saw the pick, I said to myself "I bet a bunch of people will get upset over the fact he's a white male. But then I said to myself "Naw...people arent that shallow...nor that stupid, given the ethnic background and sexuality of many of Bush's other nominations."


Well....guess not.

Thank GOD. I so glad he didnt pick another ni**er or spi**c, right?  :doh:


In all seriousness, when I clicked CNN and saw the pick, I said to myself "I bet a bunch of people will get upset over the fact he's a white male. But then I said to myself "Naw...people arent that shallow...nor that stupid, given the ethnic background and sexuality of many of Bush's other nominations."


Well....guess not.


"A bunch of people"? Where?


Charles Schumer just confirmed....he is a Bills fan.


This was a brilliant move by Bush. If this confirmation turns into a partisan food fight, all Bush has to do is point to the fact that only a few years ago, Roberts was confirmed to the Federal Judiciary in a strong showing of bi-partisan support.


"Ya didnt hate him THEN, why NOW?"

regardless, if R v. W was overturned it would just go back to the states.  MD has already passed a state amendment declaring abortion to be legal, so it will always be legal here in MD.


Hello tourism campaign!

Hello tourism campaign!





I can just see the variation on the "I Love NY" campaign.

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