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I went to see this with my wife on Friday. We both went skeptical -- we enjoy the original (as cheesy as it was -- see another thread on that issue), and the whole issue of Johnny Depp being an adrogynous, Michael Jackson look-a-like scared us.


We both loved it. Depp is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors (after I hated him for so long). This Willy Wonka is as creative and well done as Jack Sparrow in the Pirates.


It was family friendly -- always important in our family. The messages were even stronger than the first. And most importantly, Charlie is the hero, not Wonka.


Anyone else see it? What did you think?

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Much more accurate with respect to the book than the first edition.


The children were cast PERFECTLY.


I didn't care too much for the father subplot for Wonka, but it didn't totally ruin the movie or anything.


The oompaloompas were great, I like how they changed up the songs a bit.


I think Wonka was much more realistic, that is, he didn't seem to care or try to prevent the children from messing up. Definitely much darker than the original.


Bringing back the squirrels from the book was great! Exactly how the heck do you train a squirrel to shell a wallnut without eating it?


All in all, a nice addition to the legacy, and even though I don't care in the least for Depp's political stances, he is a great actor...


Agree with almost all that was said (including Depp being a great actor and a political flop). Loved the Oompa Loompas - hilarious. I didn't think Wonka tried to stop the kids too much in the original either, though ("No. Don't. Stop."). I had also heard that Wonka had some sort of homosexual tendencies or something like that, but I think whoever was saying that didn't actually see the movie, because I didn't get that at all.

I went to see this with my wife on Friday.  We both went skeptical -- we enjoy the original (as cheesy as it was -- see another thread on that issue), and the whole issue of Johnny Depp being an adrogynous, Michael Jackson look-a-like scared us.


We both loved it.  Depp is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors (after I hated him for so long).  This Willy Wonka is as creative and well done as Jack Sparrow in the Pirates.


It was family friendly -- always important in our family.  The messages were even stronger than the first.  And most importantly, Charlie is the hero, not Wonka.


Anyone else see it?  What did you think?




Thanks for the review - I'm a Depp fan - "Pirates of the Carribean" was televised on ENC this past Sunday.


One thing my wife & I really appreciated was the fact that they included Mr. Bucket in this film (like the book). Not the normal way of doing things (usually nowadays they mess up the famliy a little more), but well received here.


No, I don't appreciate Depp politically either, but as an actor, he is really pulling off some far fetched roles.


I thought the movie was great. I've been waiting 7 months to see this (I'm a huge Depp and Burton fan), and was not disappointed.

Anyone else see it?  What did you think?



Excellent movie. Not having seen the original nor read the book, I went in thinking 'at least the kids will enjoy it, I can have a nap'. But I enjoyed it a lot too.


Side commentary - I was majorly irritated by a bunch of teens sitting right behind us and saying ''oh, I hate this part'' every 10 minutes. It was obvious they were seeing the movie for a second time and I could not understand (1) Why see it again if you hated so many parts and, (2) Why overuse the word 'hate'. I realize that is part of the teen vocabulary and makes them think it is cool the more things they 'hate'. Boy did that distract and anger me.


"Oh dear, that is a bad nut"

One thing my wife & I really appreciated was the fact that they included Mr. Bucket in this film (like the book).  Not the normal way of doing things (usually nowadays they mess up the famliy a little more), but well received here.


No, I don't appreciate Depp politically either, but as an actor, he is really pulling off some far fetched roles.




Exactly! I feel exactly the same way. I was very glad to see Mr. Bucket in this movie, and he had his same old job, screwing caps on toothpaste tubes. As I said above, very faithfull to the novel, with the addition of Wonka's father sub-plot...


The Dr. Wonka sub-plot wasn't necessary in the book, but I thought that Roald Dahl underdeveloped Willy Wonka as a character. I think that Burton did a great job within the way he portrayed Wonka developing why Willy was the way he was. He revulsion for parents, his childness, his not caring what others think ... It also gave Burton another opportunity to stress the importance of family, reiterating the importance that the true hero of the novel is Charlie. That is the most disappointing part of the Gene Wilder version (though I love Wilder in the role) -- Willy Wonka is the hero, saving a family from poverty. Duh ... the book is called CHARLIE and the Chocolate Factory for a reason. This movie fixed that problem.

Excellent movie. Not having seen the original nor read the book, I went in thinking 'at least the kids will enjoy it, I can have a nap'. But I enjoyed it a lot too.


Side commentary - I was majorly irritated by a bunch of teens sitting right behind us and saying ''oh, I hate this part'' every 10 minutes. It was obvious they were seeing the movie for a second time and I could not understand (1) Why see it again if you hated so many parts and, (2) Why overuse the word 'hate'. I realize that is part of the teen vocabulary and makes them think it is cool the more things they 'hate'. Boy did that distract and anger me.


"Oh dear, that is a bad nut"


Just another reason why the movie going experience will be gone within 2 decades.


I doubt that. After all, thats what they said when VCR's became widespread. I think technology will improve keeping the movie theatre outing saleable. Imagine 180degree or even 360degree vision. A more immersive experience that won't be available at home. JMHO


btw I saw the Wonka movie and thought is was ok. Nothing memorable for me but a solid 7/10


I saw it on the request of someone else. I have to say I thought it was mediocre. I couldn't stand the oompa loompas and found Depp to be creepy and annoying. The invention of the back story was not enjoyable to me either.

Just another reason why the movie going experience will be gone within 2 decades.




The theater was PACKED with them when I saw it last Sunday. My friend and I were the only ones over 18 in there most likely. I can't tell you how horrid some of the behavior was there, talking on cell phones (?), yapping through the whole thing, getting up running around. I sound like a grumpy old man everytime I go. And I am not one to be shy when it comes to yelling at people to shut up....

Just another reason why the movie going experience will be gone within 2 decades.



My wife and me go once or twice a month, but tend toward the so-called "Artsy" theaters at risk of being accused of snobbery, because the big box outfits are heavily into profiling their offerings to appeal to the lowest common denominator. I don't fault them - the register must ring.


Aside, if the lure is the popcorn, I learned the secret of authentic movie popcorn from a popper recommendation by Fezmid. The movie stuff uses coconut oil, which is something like 95% saturated fat - no wonder why we like it. You can buy it and with a good popper like Whirly-Pop have an exact duplicate for about 75 cents for 5 or 6 quarts popped.


Hated it.


I'm a big Depp fan and really like the orginal but was disappointed in the new version.


I know Dahl is a bit dark -- but I thought Depp's Wonka was weird for weird's sake, almost a cardboard character. Michael Jackson to Wilder's (great) Bugs Bunny.


I simply didn't care about Wonka, Charlie or the others. With almost no humor you end up thinking that even the bad kids got more than they deserved. Moreover, the kids we're almost non-existant -- even Charlie. They were an afterthought.


Other than the beginning and end (outside the factory), the original version's F/X and sets of the factory were much more imaginative than Burton's 80's video game look. It felt fake, not fun.


No sense of wonder and excitement. And what's with the cheesy f/x with the ompah loompas? That was terrible.


At one point Mike Teevee says "this is pointless" and I was thinking "Yep."

I doubt that. After all, thats what they said when VCR's became widespread. I think technology will improve keeping the movie theatre outing saleable. Imagine 180degree or even 360degree vision.  A more immersive experience that won't be available at home. JMHO


btw I saw the Wonka movie and thought is was ok. Nothing memorable for me but a solid 7/10


It is not home theatre that will kill public theatre, it is the GD people. Manners are at an all time low.

I have to say I thought it was mediocre. I couldn't stand the oompa loompas and found Depp to be creepy and annoying.



i didn't enjoy it also...i think I just don't like Burton's style


I generally have not enjoyed Burton -- this one just struck me the right way. Maybe this will eventually be a "lousy movie that I liked" as the one thread talked about.

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