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(OT) Lousy movies you liked

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Popeye, with Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall, who was simply born to play Olive Oyl! If, like me, you are a fan of the original comic strip by E.C. Segar, this film really captures the quirkiness of the old Thimble Theater gang!


A distant second is "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", which was pretty entertaining for all its stupidity.

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Some of my favorite's


Weird Science

Real Genius

Evolution  ( there's always time for lubrication )



I'm not going to start. I can't believe you are going to judge movies in another thread.

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...Daddy Day Care.


But not that unrealistic Saving Private Ryan.  That sucked...   :doh:


You know, I hate this trend of remakes in Hollywood, but the highly overrated and unrealistic Spielberg film seems to be irrevocably linked for all eternity with Daddy Day Care. I said this before, every party or meeting ultimately ends up in the old Saving Private Ryan vs. Daddy Day Care debate. Are you SPR or DDC?


But what if, WHAT FUKKING IF, we did a sequel to BOTH? At the same time? Got the best of both worlds? The realness and gut wrenching visceral power of the landmark Daddy Day Care with the yuks and slap-of-the-knee limbs coming off bodies from bullets (quite a funny bit of fantasy there because that never happens) from Private Ryan?


This is Chuck.


Best new idea since feeding mayonaise to tuna.



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Saving Silverman.  REALLY stupid but makes me laugh my ass off.


Secret Window.  I don't know why.


Saving Silverman was freakin' hysterical. The Neil Diamond angle was funny as hell up until they kidnapped him, but what made up for it was the closing credits scene where they were all on stage in concert with him doing whatever that classic Neil Diamond song was.


It reminded me of the old Billy Ocean video from Jewel of the Nile where Danny Devito, Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turning are on stage doing the backup vocals, and at one point Devito breaks out the sax for the big solo.


I dig stupid crap like that.

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I'm dating myself a bit...


"Message from Space" about spaceships that were actually WATER sailing vessels. I think it was up for 2 weeks.




"Big Trouble in Little China" with Kurt Russell and Kim Catrell (love her green eyes, great shots of her in a wet shirt)


How about "Kung Fu Hustle"?

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You know, I hate this trend of remakes in Hollywood, but the highly overrated and unrealistic Spielberg film seems to be irrevocably linked for all eternity with Daddy Day Care. I said this before, every party or meeting ultimately ends up in the old Saving Private Ryan vs. Daddy Day Care debate. Are you SPR or DDC?


But what if, WHAT FUKKING IF, we did a sequel to BOTH? At the same time? Got the best of both worlds? The realness and gut wrenching visceral power of the landmark Daddy Day Care with the yuks and slap-of-the-knee limbs coming off bodies from bullets (quite a funny bit of fantasy there because that never happens) from Private Ryan?


This is Chuck.


Best new idea since feeding mayonaise to tuna. 





In the immortal worlds of the classic Guiness commercials: BRILLIANT! A Tom Hanks and Eddie Murphy buddy flick directed by Steve Carr and produced by Spielberg. Best idea I've heard since the retatta...

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"Big Trouble in Little China" with Kurt Russell and Kim Catrell (love her green eyes, great shots of her in a wet shirt)


How about "Kung Fu Hustle"?




BTiLC was a real stinker, that's for sure. I can't watch that.


But Kung Fu Hustle? That movie rocked!! No way that gets classified as "lousy".

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Popeye, with Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall, who was simply born to play Olive Oyl! If, like me, you are a fan of the original comic strip by E.C. Segar, this film really captures the quirkiness of the old Thimble Theater gang!


A distant second is "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", which was pretty entertaining for all its stupidity.


Bill & Ted is a clasic! Another Robin Williams film that I liked was Jumanji.

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I thought "Last Action Hero" was actually pretty good. Never could figure out why it got so much bad press. Arnie Haters I guessss.

I also enjoyed "Vanilla Sky"


Vanilla Sky was ok, the original in spanish is better. Some twists and the plot, but about the same. I think it was called Abre Los Ojos and also starred Penelope Cruz. Its worth renting.

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Somebody earlier mentioned Kim Cattrall, which made me think of "Mannequin".


This movie was a surprise hit at the box office in 1987. I remember seeing it three times in a 48 hour period in college. After I saw it the first time, I couldn't get enough of it!


"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" is not a lousy movie, so "Mannequin" is my guilty pleasure.


BTW, look for a young James Spader in "Mannequin" as the bad guy.



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