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OT: Potter?

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Wife just got back with her copy of Harry Potter (+ audio books). Anyone else?  :rolleyes:




Col. Harry Potter? From M*A*S*H???????


What the heck is she gonna do with a copy of him??????

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Got my ass up and out of the house long enough to drive to town and get my book. Gonna start reading tomorrow. Wanted to go back and read 5 again to review.


How long until someone comes in here and starts bashing the books... the same way they bash American Idol?

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14.50 Barnes & Noble. with the discount. Didn't start reading it yet. I'll get to it at some point....


Wegmans had a huge stack of them at 40% off - same as B&N where I got mine.

Half-way through it. Reads a lot better than a dozen FFS TD is God posts (though just about as long). :rolleyes:

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How long until someone comes in here and starts bashing the books... the same way they bash American Idol?



You couldn't bash them in the same way. People actually see some sense in Potter.


But - a "Let's Punch out Harry's Lights" thread could be fun... :w00t:

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You read it all last night? So you were up all night reading this book? :w00t:



Impressive, but I've seen stranger, and more dedicated.


A few years back, when book 5 came out, I was still in college, and my buddy couldnt wait to get it, but didnt have the $$ for it. So he downloaded it online and stayed up most of the night reading 100 pages or so into what he believe to be the right book.


Well, needless to say when we touched base the next day, his facts were off and he was very pissed when he looked through my book.


If it matters, and I know it does, he cheers for the Bears.

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yeah im sick when i get into a book i wont put it down.


I love that feeling, but I dont find enough books that get me that way.


The last one, I think, was Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas.

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Got my ass up and out of the house long enough to drive to town and get my book. Gonna start reading tomorrow. Wanted to go back and read 5 again to review.


How long until someone comes in here and starts bashing the books... the same way they bash American Idol?




I loath "American Idol", and have never read (nor am I interested in reading) any "Harry Potter" book. I would never bash it though, because I find it absolutely amazing, in this day and age, that so many people can get worked up over a book! I think that is pretty cool.

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