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Most annoying commercial ever


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There are two radio commercials that I keep hearing on GR that are really bugging me.


One is for some sort of finance company that will give you a lump sum of money for your annuity if you have had some sort of legal settlement. I find that woman so grating who says stuff like "after all, it is my money." And, the first one they had made no sense at all.


The second one is for that lawyer who specializes in representing deadbeats. The way he talks and what he's selling just annoys the heck out of me.

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truth.com commercials are half the reason i continue to smoke.


My nominee is not the most "annoying" commercial, but creepy. Its a burger king commercial where the guy wakes up, and the "King" is laying next to him. (there's a similar one where the guy opens his blinds and the "King" is staring at him from the outside of the window.


I swear to god, if I woke up and the king, with his gigantically creepy head was laying next to me, there wouldn't be enough therapy in the world to make me sane again.

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:w00t: Toyotathon! Loud, obnoxious announcer and those smiling, laughing people swarming all over the car lot like they are giving them away and they have to claim one in the first 5 minutes or be left out. Yeeeech! When has that ever happened? In the real world, it's some poor schmuck who stumbles in to use the rest room and three slick guys in bad suits descend on him trying to make a sale.
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Oh, I had completely forgotten. Those ads are actually paid for by tobacco companies. I had postulated a theory that those are perhaps the most brilliant reverse psychology campaign in history, since there's very little more loathesome than a snotty pretentious self-righteous teenaged git telling you what you should think about anything. STFU and don't forget my fries, is all the dealings I want with those tools.


And I agree with YOO. I don't Wanta Fanta after seeing that ad, I Wanta Commit Murder.



My impression was that the truth.com ads were done by the American Lung Association. The weaker ones that are just about telling your kids not to smoke were paid for the tobacco companies, I thought.


I could be wrong.

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Remember Fantasy Island's "Fun Wow" campaign that lasted 18 years.

That was almost as painful as taking the kids to Fantasy Island.




It's been off the air for at last 10 years and you still remember.


pretty dam good jingle.

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Surprisingly, my employer, a major US tobacco company, actually invests in these commercials!


I thought the one about the execs trying to sell cigs as candy was farfetched. But actually, has anyone ever seen RJR's shameless packaging for its "flavored cigs". Talk about putting it in a kid-friendly package... :w00t:

My vote goes to that creepy guy for six flags or whatever...



I still think that it's actually Urkel in a old-white-man suit

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It's been off the air for at last 10 years and you still remember.


pretty dam good jingle.



Didn't they just used a portion of Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever," done up carousel style?

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Damn Marineland Commercials. Try getting that jingle out of your head...I dare you.



That theme starts, and wherever the kids are, whatever they are doing, their eyes become affixed to the TV. My youngest almost gave herself whiplash last night.


Like the pied piper...

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That theme starts, and wherever the kids are, whatever they are doing, their eyes become affixed to the TV.  My youngest almost gave herself whiplash last night.


Like the pied piper...



Yet Hollywood and TV says that sex and violence has no effect...I guess only advertising sends messages. :w00t:

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