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I used to coach my son's t-ball team and we didn't even keep score.  What is wrong with people?



Did you stay past T-ball? Then you will see how competitive it really gets. I could tell you a lot of stories of the 5 years I put into it. The worst was scams at draft time, robbing other rosters, ringers showing up, coaches intimidating umps and players, forcing poor players to quit, telling poor players not to show up at key games, not playing all players, batting order shenanigans...................only limited by your imagination. I remember most of this happening once kids got into fast pitch. I'll tell you, when I tried to be a "good" coach, we got pounded. After tiring of that, the next year I got a little smarter, and put together a winning record. Then I gave it up. Wasn't worth it.

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