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  jonathan#34thomas said:
american idol close second



amen, this mind of mencia is downright awful. i didnt laugh once, and i even laugh quite a bit during stella.


MTV has raised the bar so high for bad TV. How about Date My Mom? Roomraider? TRL? Punked? Pimp my Ride? Every show on that network contends for worst show ever IMO

  BillsGuyInMalta said:
King of Queens...at least the worst show in recent memory.




I haven't seen that show in about 2 years (since it moved from Monday nights, used to watch it getting ready for MNF- Leah Remini was hot sexy!), but the worst in recent memory? I guess I must have seen too much tv in my day, but King of Queens doesn't immediately come to mind. Not the greatest sitcom ever, but occaisionally funny. Now "Yes Dear" which used to be on right after it, is pretty friggin awful!


Other worsts would include any original programming that ESPN has come up with in the last 3 years, and pretty much anything that is labled (loosely or not) as a "reality" show!


As far as very popular shows that are just unbearable, I would have to go with "CSI Miami"!


Since we are on the subject of television, I recently was given a DVD box set of the show "Freaks and Geeks", a short lived show from 1999. I had never seen it, and barely had heard of it. It is excellent. It got cancelled by NBC after 18 episodes, but is worth checking out. It takes place in a Detroit high shcool (McKinley High- just pretend it is Buffalo) in 1980. I was 15 in 1980, and so much of this show rings true, it is eerie! The kids in the show are all great, and the show manages to avoid all of those cliche (but not necessarily true) passages of high school years. It is very funny! I highly recommend it!

  EndZoneCrew said:
any NBA game




But here are my nominations for WORST SHOWS:


Sex and the City - can't stand that bull crap. Fugg off.

The Simple Life


Anything with Ashlee Simpson

ANY Talkshow


Pimp my Ride UK - here's the recipe for this one (look out it's another Rettata): Take a uniquely American phenomenon, which is half-baked from the get go, substitute a half credible Rapper with a buffoon of an English-40-something-white-guy-rap-DJ-who-has-a-poor-affected-American-accent, a bunch of Japanese hatchbacks and a ridiculously poor script, chuck a few body kits on the cars, throw in more bling than is safe to travel with, and stick it on MTV UK. I throw up in my mouth every time that crap is aired.

  jonathan#34thomas said:
american idol close second




  jwolf02 said:
amen, this mind of mencia is downright awful.  i didnt laugh once, and i even laugh quite a bit during stella.




I must say that I thought that Stella just sucked beyond belief. I find that Mencia picks on everyone, which i respect, especially when he is able to pick on himself. I thought it was funny how he picked on the Muslims and mexicans last week. I'm not saying that it is high quality programmin but i believe that there is worse out there


Nothing to watch Tuesday so I saw I want to be a Hilton.

An hour of my life wasted.


The two worst ever:


The Bachelor

The Bachelorette

The Real Life thing with nicole and paris. Dumb, slutty bitches if you ask me.


Other candidates:



Dancing with the Stars

American Idol

Touched by an Angel

Murder She Wrote

Walker Texas Ranger


I haven't seen I want to be a hilton, but I'm sure that's effing stupid, too.

  Pete said:
MTV has raised the bar so high for bad TV.  How about Date My Mom?  Roomraider?  TRL?  Punked?  Pimp my Ride?  Every show on that network contends for worst show ever IMO


I never thought I would defend the gangsta network MTV but they did give us Jackass, Beavis & Butthead and Celebrity Deathmatch....Of course that was all years ago - it is truly painful to watch mtv today.


As far as worst show, any "reality" show gets my vote. A bad sitcom has the potential to transform from bad to so bad it's funny.On the other hand, "Reality" shows just suck and have helped take the collective IQ of America down about 20% (as if we needed any help :D )

  Puhonix said:
I think we can all list MTV as worst network.



Fox has got to be up there with all of their cancelled shows...



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