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Belgium and the Netherlands are nice



Belgium is a suburb of France. Netherlands are pretty cool, though.

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Belgium is a suburb of France. Netherlands are pretty cool, though.



I used to work with a guy from Belgium. It always pissed him off when we referred to him as "Frenchie" or that Belgium was just a state of France.

I used to work with a guy from Belgium. It always pissed him off when we referred to him as "Frenchie" or that Belgium was just a state of France.


I currently work with a guy from Belgium. He loves to talk

about beer. He is pretty cool. But I aint giving his beer back,

he makes some very good home-brew.

I currently work with a guy from Belgium. He loves to talk

about beer. He is pretty cool. But I aint giving his beer back,

he makes some very good home-brew.



I just started homebrewing. I will be bottling the first batch this weekend (American Amber Ale). I will then try either a Belgian Wit or try to make a clone of Chimay Blue (Belgium).

I currently work with a guy from Belgium. He loves to talk

about beer. He is pretty cool. But I aint giving his beer back,

he makes some very good home-brew.



If you were from Belgium where you'll so damn close to France, I guess drinking a lot of beers might ease your pain.


France Sucks.

In a related story...


Damn, they sure are sensitive...



He should tell France that Japan will attack them if the lawsuit isn't dropped. You'll see white flags sooner than you can say ribbbb-it. I don't even think Japan has an army and they could probably still kick France's ass.

Thereby establishing via implication that there is, in fact, a manner in which it is acceptable to insult the French.  :lol:



Votre numbers est tres mauvais!!!! :)

Of course, you neglect to mention that they lost that generation because they were criminally stupid.  "Machine gun bullets is no match for the morale of the French soldier!"  Why their idiotic tactics in that war should even REMOTELY be considered a feather in their hat is beyond me...


Yeah, no kidding. No damn wonder the poilus started to mutiny - if I were in their (rotting from trenchwater and God know what else) boots, I probably would've said the French equivalent of "F#^! this !!", too.


Funny thing is, though - after he spent fifteen months 'over there', my grandfather came home respecting the German people but hating the arrogant French... and the Germans were the ones shooting at him..... :D

Yeah, no kidding. No damn wonder the poilus started to mutiny - if I were in their (rotting from trenchwater and God know what else) boots, I probably would've said the French equivalent of "F#^! this !!", too.


Funny thing is, though - after he spent fifteen months 'over there', my grandfather came home respecting the German people but hating the arrogant French... and the Germans were the ones shooting at him.....  :D



After the fact and the years following WWII and the Holocaust... It was probably very hard to repsect the German people?


My father was there in early 1950's and through out Europe... He did comment on how clean Germany (just 5 years after WWII) was compared to other cities... I think the Schlitz cans floating in the canals of Venice really tainted things for that city.

I'm rather surprised he could see them through all the sewage...





He always said that he wasn't under any illusions (not like his third child ;):lol: ) about Venice and knew that they (canals) were sh*t ditches... Just the way people glorified Venice and then his take on it was vastly different.


My 7 year old son checked out the book The Kid Who Invented The Trampoline from the library... Pretty cool book about 50 inventions... The toilet one was a hoot!






You forgot cheese eating...



That particular day is indicative of the French uber-Hotpocket mentality. Just a decade or two later, they allowed a Corsican Corporal to proclaim himself Emperor of the French.


Proves the superiority of the thinkers on OUR side of the pond :)





The AP and UPI reported that the French government announced yesterday that it had raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide".



The only two higher levels in France are, "Surrender" and "Collaborate".




The raise was precipitated by a recent fire which destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively disabling their military.

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