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How deep is Donahoe's love for Willis?


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It's your generation, not mine. You have to deal with what you forged and prized...sorry that it comes back to bite.


What generation is that? I don't recall forging free agency or prizing it in any particular way. During that time I was far more interested in getting a date with Suzy Kirche and making the varsity eight to really get involved in all this mischief my generation was apparenty conspiring to achieve. Limited free agency was the result of a few successful lawsuits and strikes by the players.

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Mickey, add us fans to the two-way three of not being loyal to players or their teams. We'll turn on the players in a second. :angry:


Another thing Willis brings besides yards is respect, star power, national recognitiion and publicity, jersey sales, and people paying to come watch him, home or away. Most or all of those, directly or indirectly, make money for the Bills. He is one player that may be actually worth all the money that he will likely get.

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