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Wait a minute...are you trying to say that the Brits are handling it properly because it's smaller in scale, or are minimizing it more easily because it's smaller in scale?  <_<




Why give him options? It seems he's said what his views are.

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Wait a minute...are you trying to say that the Brits are handling it properly because it's smaller in scale, or are minimizing it more easily because it's smaller in scale?   <_<


I'm neither critisizing nor minimizing anything, though it seems you would like to paint that picture. I've simply gained some respect for the people of London because of the way they've seemed to minimize the perceived damage done by these bombings. They've basically ignored the attack and gotten on with their lives, terrorists be damned.


9/11 is a totally different situation in a totally different world climate. There was no perceived terrorist threat before 9/11 - it was something that happened far, far away from places like America and Great Britain. Our reaction was emotional and from the heart, as we were ill-prepared to cope with this sort of thing.


I was more or less just agreeing with the post I responded to. But you know all this and are really just trying to be a smart ass.

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Uhhh...no, I don't.  I was asking what the !@#$ you were talking about, because your post was stupid.  Again.  Still.


If that's how you feel, I guess that's what the ignore feature is all about. It doesn't concern me too much either way. I have a feeling I'll still be able to sleep tonight.

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If that's how you feel, I guess that's what the ignore feature is all about.  It doesn't concern me too much either way.  I have a feeling I'll still be able to sleep tonight.


While Tom will be tossing and turning all night pondering your ability to be cognitive, I'd guess. <_<


In any event, I imagine the Brits would be reacting much differently had they flown airplanes into a couple of important landmarks and killed a few thousand people instead of half a hundred. On the surface their culture is much more reserved than ours, but there aren't too many countries I'd rather have on my side in a street fight. Them buggers can be dirty when the gloves come off.

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While Tom will be tossing and turning all night pondering your ability to be cognitive, I'd guess. <_<


In any event, I imagine the Brits would be reacting much differently had they flown airplanes into a couple of important landmarks and killed a few thousand people instead of half a hundred.  On the surface their culture is much more reserved than ours, but there aren't too many countries I'd rather have on my side in a street fight.  Them buggers can be dirty when the gloves come off.


This was my point. I appreciate how they've handled the situation, but it's not on the same scale as 9/11, obviously. In retrospect, I am proud of the way our country handled the attack in 2001, but it's no less than I would expect from our country.

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