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As for the job security people are talking about, don't fool yourself into thinking anything you know will prevent you from being separated from the company (either being laid off or taking another job without a huge fight to keep you) - nobody is irreplaceable - it's simply a matter of how much pain it takes to bring in someone else and train them to do what needs to be done.



I agree with you on job security. I know I have it where I am now, but I also know that if I do something stupid, I can be replaced (not easily, but replaced nonetheless). What I do isn't rocket science.


I'll be talking to my manager probably tomorrow and work something out. Ideally I'd like a week off, but we'll see what happens.


Regardless, I need to write my resume; it's about half done now, but it doesn't hurt to see what jobs are out there, especially since the market is gettnig a bit better.




What I always loved is when I was offered comp time when I had 6 weeks of accumulated vacation to burn... :D


smbmount //tivoserver/rams_game /home/detoxsmurf/rams_game -o username=detoxsmurf,password=blahblahblah


I left the unix/sysadmin field a few years ago for a number of reasons. One, being a unix admin was no longer challenging to me. Two, the job security just wasn't there. The number of qualified people to do that job has jumped over the past few years. So I decided to go back to college for a degree in economic crime and computer forensics. Who knows if that was a good idea or not...

smbmount //tivoserver/rams_game /home/detoxsmurf/rams_game -o username=detoxsmurf,password=blahblahblah


I left the unix/sysadmin field a few years ago for a number of reasons.  One, being a unix admin was no longer challenging to me.  Two, the job security just wasn't there.  The number of qualified people to do that job has jumped over the past few years.  So I decided to go back to college for a degree in economic crime and computer forensics.  Who knows if that was a good idea or not...



Stay away from my new DELL...

smbmount //tivoserver/rams_game /home/detoxsmurf/rams_game -o username=detoxsmurf,password=blahblahblah


It says "incorrect password, please try again."


Guess I can't do it. :w00t:





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