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  envirojeff said:
I know what you mean Fires, I'm on a well too and I was able to run a cord from my neighbors house last year. I picked up a generator this year and did the "Dryer plug" thing. Worked great! Well we're safe this time. It's funny how, all of a sudden, we have lost our summer. We have Fall, two weeks of Winter, one month of Spring then hurricane season. All you do is watch your back all summer!





In Florida, like Austin, there isn't much summer to being with. Its too frickin hot!


Anyway, my best out to everyone who is gonna get hit by this. Reminds me of my days in Orlando, not fun!

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  envirojeff said:
I know what you mean Fires, I'm on a well too and I was able to run a cord from my neighbors house last year. I picked up a generator this year and did the "Dryer plug" thing. Worked great! Well we're safe this time. It's funny how, all of a sudden, we have lost our summer. We have Fall, two weeks of Winter, one month of Spring then hurricane season. All you do is watch your back all summer!




You should move to California. Equal number of natural disasters. Better weather between disasters.
  envirojeff said:
I know what you mean Fires, I'm on a well too and I was able to run a cord from my neighbors house last year. I picked up a generator this year and did the "Dryer plug" thing. Worked great! Well we're safe this time. It's funny how, all of a sudden, we have lost our summer. We have Fall, two weeks of Winter, one month of Spring then hurricane season. All you do is watch your back all summer!




Jeff, I wanted to do the Dryer plug thing, but my wifes father was saying how unsafe it was (Even though some guys from FPL told me it was safe as long as the outside power was switched off) I've got a collection of Heavy duty electrical cords so, I guess that will work this season, until I can wire it up.

Last Summer was an experience.... Sept was a blur. No Electric, No water, Lines at Gas Stations ,minimal services. Frances, and 3 weeks later Jeanne.

I had power back for 4 days before Jeanne hit. I remember going to Publix (grocery store) 2 weeks after Frances and seeing Milk for the 1st time. You definetely learn to live eating canned food.

My cable was out for Sept and Oct., but as soon as my power came on, I was able to watch the Bills on Directv. :D (my dish survived the storm)

One lesson learned: The year before last I replaced my roof with a Metal Roof. Most the older roofs in my neighborhood didn't hold up. Up until a couple months ago there were still alot of Blue roofs around. If your roof is questionable, spend the $$$ and replace it.

I PM'd Bufan00 with my phone # and told him if theres anything I can help him with to call.... I've been there before, and I'm sure he has been too..

Dave aka Fires


Used to live on Big Pine Key- (I'll be in Islamorada next month when bug season opens)- our prep for any big wind was to retreat to the safest abode among our friends who were riding it out and bring our best beverages, assuming a 3 or 4 day stay.


Love the RN Riviera- best beaches in the contiguous 48 in PC for sure. Keep your sand down tonight and enjoy nature's roller coaster.

  Fires said:
Jeff,  I wanted to do the Dryer plug thing, but my wifes father was saying how unsafe it was (Even though some guys from FPL told me it was safe as long as the outside power was switched off)  I've got a collection of Heavy duty electrical cords so, I guess that will work this season, until I can wire it up.

      Last Summer was an experience....  Sept was a blur.  No Electric, No water,  Lines at Gas Stations ,minimal services. Frances, and 3 weeks later Jeanne.

I had power back for 4 days before Jeanne hit. I remember going to Publix (grocery store) 2 weeks after Frances and seeing Milk for the 1st time.  You definetely learn to live eating canned food.

      My cable was out for Sept and Oct., but as soon as my power came on, I was able to watch the Bills on Directv.  :D (my dish survived the storm)

        One lesson learned: The year before last I replaced my roof with a Metal Roof.  Most the older roofs in my neighborhood didn't hold up. Up until a couple months ago there were still alot of Blue roofs around. If your roof is questionable, spend the $$$ and replace it.

                        I PM'd Bufan00 with my phone # and told him if theres anything I can help him with to call....  I've been there before, and I'm sure he has been too..

                                                                            Dave aka Fires


As far as the dryer hook-up - Your right, the main needs to be off and your safe. Here in Orlando we were cris-crossed with Charlie, Fran and Jeanne. We've only just begun!




Dennis is more than likely hitting our friend buffan00 right about now, and it's quite the storm. Have a feeling he'll be without power for quite some time.


Best of Luck to everyone in the path! :D


Where is all the smack talk about how buffalo sucks now :D


hmmmmmmmm no hurricanes coming my way....



but seriously be safe - my dad lives in Orlando....

  envirojeff said:
As far as the dryer hook-up - Your right, the main needs to be off and your safe.

Backfeeding is by electrical code illegal and frowned upon by the utilities because it is not always failsafe. It is not extremely dangerous if you do it correctly, but is very prone to accident if not followed exactingly. Injury or death to a lineman or to yourself, frying every major appliance in your home, or blowing up your generator are all possible if it is not done properly and safely. It is also cause for your insurance company to void your policy, if it is discovered that the cause of an accident or fire is due to backfeeding from a generator.


If you are aware of the dangers and how to do it properly, it can be accomplished safely. If you are unsure of any aspect of it, avoid it. The internet is a useful tool in learning about it, but beware of the source, as there are folks who post information on the subject who are not experts. On this topic, don't accept advice from someone who isn't.


The safest way to go is a transfer switch installed by a licensed electrician.

  mead107 said:
hope you are OK, let us know how you made out


Thanks for all the kind messages!

We were w/out power all last night, all we had were 80mph wind gusts and a ton of rain. My house held up well, but my neighbors didnt! It was over as fast as a Scott Norwood field goal! Looks like another is brewing in the tropics! her name is Emily!

  erynthered said:
Who? :D


Sorry, i edited it...see what happens when you get 2 hrs of sleep...lol... :w00t:

  Buffan00 said:
Thanks for all the kind messages!

We were w/out power all last night, all we had were 80mph wind gusts and a ton of rain. My house held up well, but my neighbors didnt!  It was over as fast as a Scott Norwood field goal! Looks like another is brewing in the tropics! her name is Emily!


I'm glad you made it through intact. I saw Emily earlier this AM, If it stays the course I'm in trouble this time!



  Buffan00 said:
Sorry, i edited it...see what happens when you get 2 hrs of sleep...lol... :D



I'm glad you're ok. All's we got was some rain, and some small flooding here in Clearwater.

  erynthered said:
Thats where I live at Rich. We've had loss of power a few times today, with some pretty good rain. But really not too bad. Gusts of about 30 to 40 mph. I'm sure your Mom is fine.  :D



I'm glad you're okay. She didn't call me back Saturday night, but I'm sure she and my niece made it out fine today.

  erynthered said:
I'm glad you're ok. All's we got was some rain, and some small flooding here in Clearwater.



There were several newsreader gems as I was flipping thru channels watching the coverage. One newsbunny said that a hotel manager told her he lost a few bricks. :w00t:


One fellow camped out at a gas station, wringing his hands until the canopy collapsed.


A new newsbunny was born on MSNBC - a dishy gal named Lisa Richards - shapely, come-hither eyes, voluptuous lips etc. They kept going back to her so she could report on broken tree branches and so forth.


MSNBC also has a report from a professional "Storm Educator"...I want that job! :D

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