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Resisting urge to say something about a pantless adult male from Indiana being seen chasing them just minutes before.


Funny, I was thinking Ed.

Resisting urge to say something about a pantless adult male from Indiana being seen chasing them just minutes before.


Funny I was thinking of USMCBillsFan. I haven't seen him in a while. Wasn't he headed over that way.

Resisting urge to say something about a pantless adult male from Indiana being seen chasing them just minutes before.




Funny, I was wondering how much time you've spent in Indiana.

Funny, I was wondering how much time you've spent in Indiana.


Aw look, SoCal's trying to play. Trust me Scooter, the last thing you want is my undivided attention.

Aw look, SoCal's trying to play.  Trust me Scooter, the last thing you want is my undivided attention.





OK! You win!!


Must be the salt water coming in through my ears.

Resisting urge to say something about a pantless adult male from Indiana being seen chasing them just minutes before.



I was thinking the exact same thing...


Funny, I was wondering how much time you've spent in Indiana.



awww, how cute, so-cal is taking some time away from TD bashing to try and stand up for BF...

so why did they jump off?


They follow the leader.


When I was a little girl I used to get a real kick of watching our dogs get one sheep moving in the direction they wanted and then just stand there and watch all the others follow.


I think it also a nickname our politicians call us ignorant masses :devil:

They follow the leader. 


When I was a little girl I used to get a real kick of watching our dogs get one sheep moving in the direction they wanted and then just stand there and watch all the others follow.


I think it also a nickname our politicians call us ignorant masses  :devil:


That's why some herders use a lead goat isn't it?

They follow the leader. 


When I was a little girl I used to get a real kick of watching our dogs get one sheep moving in the direction they wanted and then just stand there and watch all the others follow.


I think it also a nickname our politicians call us ignorant masses  :devil:



I grew up, in the city, with a border collie named "Dutchess" ;)


Still have a b&w picture in my wallet...what a agreeble personality that breed has.

Aw look, SoCal's trying to play.  Trust me Scooter, the last thing you want is my undivided attention.


He deserves a pass for the funny new avatar. :devil:

He deserves a pass for the funny new avatar.  :devil:



Verily, be warned stranger: Appear not to side against the minions of Beelze-Hoe,

lest you and your kind be smitten!!!


Or, have some virtual person type nasty things about you.

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