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Can't hardy wait to see what the nuts on the left have to complain about here. After all it's just another positive economic report. If the same report had come out with a lib in the white house there would have been an orgy to end all orgies. There would have been a gala thrown in honor of whoever was in office. There would have been a move to immediately place that persons face on Mt. Rushmore.


Then after all that was taken care of, there would have been a big parade to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of such a caring and wise person.

Instead we are stuck with people like kennedy, shumer, and byrd who will find some evil meaning to such numbers. Perhaps haliburton is behind it, or some other evil conservative hate group, who want to see people working and taking care of themselves.



Well, the only way Dubya makes it to Mt. Rushmore is if he buys a ticket. But, I agree that this was a good piece of economic news. Everyone can find some fault with the numbers but at least it is positive news. Let's hope it continues.

Is the current way of determining "unemployment numbers" different now under GWB than it was under previous Presidents; such as Clinton?


Yes they are. Under both Clinton and Bush once you ran out of unemployment you came off the books. The difference being under Clinton you ran out of unemployment after 16 weeks. Under Bush it is 26 weeks. So you are actually listed as unemployed under Bush for up to an additional 10 weeks.

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