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Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all "Flight Days", meaning they're paring down from the 5,500+ entrants down to 1,500-1,800. Then next week is the tournament, with the Final Table next Friday, I believe. So I dn't think all the notable names have been knocked out, I think their flight rounds haven't started.



She has latched on to the fad and she dates a guy with a tasteless nickname.  your point?


she is a great poker player who does well in tournaments so it seems to me she is cashing in on a fad. Her boyfriend is Phil Laak, an Irish bloke, who is nicknamed the unibomber because he wears a hoodie and sunglasses

Thursday, Friday and Saturday are all "Flight Days", meaning they're paring down from the 5,500+ entrants down to 1,500-1,800. Then next week is the tournament, with the Final Table next Friday, I believe. So I dn't think all the notable names have been knocked out, I think their flight rounds haven't started.




I will give you one big name down.


Jen Harmon had pocket Qs. She boated up Queens over 9s and lost to a straight flush!

she is a great poker player who does well in tournaments so it seems to me she is cashing in on a fad.  Her boyfriend is Phil Laak, an Irish bloke, who is nicknamed the unibomber because he wears a hoodie and sunglasses


Thank you. Glad you got more class than that taterdude does. :devil:


I also forgot to mention that Tilly has a nice rack, sorry for the omission.

No kidding.


A game of chance that relies on skill about as much as Paris Hilton relies on her work ethic...about as much as the Bills rely on the refs to help us win...and permits you a seat at a table simply because you inadvertantly hit the wrong button on a video poker machine in Sheepjump, Indiana...


Luck wins this. Plain and simple. You can have all the skill in the world, but if you're not lucky enough to get the cards, then your skill is worthless.


Why people take this game seriously is beyond me.


war is a game of chance...Poker is a game of skill, with a hint of luck...getting the most value out of your big hands.....knowing when to lay down hands, even when it looks like a winner...knowing how people play, and using that to your advantage, trapping aggressive players or bullying tight or weak players....pre-flop hand selection.....position play....changing your style, during play...


you can just as easily win a huge hand with rags then you can with the nuts(best hand possible)...just a matter of knowing when to do it, and when not to...sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not...

war is a game of chance...Poker is a game of skill, with a hint of luck...getting the most value out of your big hands.....knowing when to lay down hands, even when it looks like a winner...knowing how people play, and using that to your advantage, trapping aggressive players or bullying tight or weak players....pre-flop hand selection.....position play....changing your style, during play...


you can just as easily win a huge hand with rags then you can with the nuts(best hand possible)...just a matter of knowing when to do it, and when not to...sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not...


Would you cry if they took the WSOP off the air?


Just askin

No doubt luck is a major factor but skill is a much larger factor.  How else could you explain Harrington ending up at the final table two years in a row?  Johnny Chan repeating?  Stu Unger winning 3 tournaments WSOPs in a row in which he entered.  Poker is a game of skill



Yeah, Lovinger on ESPN (who isn't very good usually) quoted something the other day which I think is pretty accurate...

Over the course of any given day it's probably 80% luck and 20% skill.

Over a year it's 80% skill and 20% luck.

Over a "career" it's 99% skill.

The "long run" in poker is just a hell of a lot longer than most realize.


At any rate I hope the fad never goes away and there's another Moneymaker who lucks out this year so that the online tables attract more dumbasses.

I will give you one big name down.


Jen Harmon had pocket Qs.  She boated up Queens over 9s and lost to a straight flush!



So much for no spoilers...

Would you cry if they took the WSOP off the air?


Just askin


seeing that the WSOP consists of about 40% of ESPN2's content, I do not think I need to worry about stocking up on Puff's Plus

seeing that the WSOP consists of about 40% of ESPN2's content, I do not think I need to worry about stocking up on Puff's Plus


yer kinda pent up today. want to talk about it?

yer kinda pent up today.  want to talk about it?


I am fine..thanks for your concern...if I need a shoulder to cry on, I will seek you out and your kind offer at the tailgate...

I am fine..thanks for your concern...if I need  a shoulder to cry on, I will seek you out and your kind offer at the tailgate...


Have to be the NO game. Kinder and gentler is good.






Date / Time: 2005-07-08 13:43:00

Title: Tobey Maguire Eliminated

Log: With the flop showing Kc-Qc-8c, Tobey Maguire and Young Phan fire bets and raises and reraises back and forth at one another until finally Maguire says "I'm all-in." Phan, apparently looking to be refunded the $8.99 he spent on seeing "Pleasantville" on Spectra-Vision at the Ramada in Tunica, calls. Maguire shows K-K, while Phan shows A-A (one is a club). The turn is the 10d, keeping Maguire ahead, but the river is the 2c, giving Phan the nut flush and sending Maguire to Ride with The Devil.





Just thought I'd bump this up for all those who have such a hard time seeing a poker thread but don't seem the least bit bothered by 9 different 'American Idol' or 'Lost' threads on one page. :devil:

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