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Too much sensitivity?

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Is it just me, or is ABC being a bit too sensitive about the London bombings tonight? The movie, "Reign of Fire" was supposed to be on tonight, but because it takes place in "post-apocalyptic London," they pulled it and put "Big Fat Liar" on instead. I feel bad for everyone in the London area, but to not air a movie because of it is a bit ridiculous IMHO.


Then again, I didn't think that they should've re-done the opening to Spiderman, just because he spun a web in between the WTC.


EDIT: Not that I was planning on watching it anyway, just happened to notice it wasn't on when I turned on the TV.



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..............my kids enjoyed Big Fat Liar..............But I'm thinking your right, I mean the movie is ok the rest of the time, so now the terrorist have control over network programing ;):lol:


PS - I "had" no idea what Reign of Fire was, just saw it listed in the title box, so I am now assuming it has something to to with terror.

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..............my kids enjoyed Big Fat Liar..............But I'm thinking your right, I mean the movie is ok the rest of the time, so now the terrorist have control over network programing  ;)  :lol:


PS - I "had" no idea what Reign of Fire was, just saw it listed in the title box, so I am now assuming it has something to to with terror.



No, not really. It's a movie about dragons who have taken over London...




In present-day London, twelve-year-old Quinn watches as his mother, a construction engineer, inadvertently wakes an enormous fire-breathing beast from its century-long slumber. Twenty years later, much of the world has been scarred by the beast and its offspring. As a fire chief, Quinn (Christian Bales) is responsable for warding off the beasts and keeping a community alive as they eke out a meager existence. Into their midst come a hotshot American, Van Zan (Matthew McConaughey), who says he has a way to kill the beasts and save mankind - a way Quinn's never seen done. Directed by Rob Bowman ("The X-Files"), "Reign Of Fire" fuses a medieval past with a post-apocalyptic future in this exciting tale of adventure and survival.



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Reign of Fire is a cool movie... Not sure I coulda watched it yesterday though...


But anywhere else in the world y'all should carry on as normal...




Sounds like everything as close to back to normal as possible. Hope the way in today was not too too bad.


God bless the Brits and that steely reserve that is part of you !!!!!

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Is it just me, or is ABC being a bit too sensitive about the London bombings tonight?  The movie, "Reign of Fire" was supposed to be on tonight, but because it takes place in "post-apocalyptic London," they pulled it and put "Big Fat Liar" on instead.  I feel bad for everyone in the London area, but to not air a movie because of it is a bit ridiculous IMHO.


Then again, I didn't think that they should've re-done the opening to Spiderman, just because he spun a web in between the WTC.


EDIT: Not that I was planning on watching it anyway, just happened to notice it wasn't on when I turned on the TV.






The actual shot with the web between the WTC was only in the first teaser trailer. They did refilm a few cityscape shots containing the TTs....

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I'll have to look to see if HBO will be showing "Dirty War" again anytime soon.  I saw it a couple of weeks ago.. Good movie.



I saw that as well. Very good movie.

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It lacked the hollywood sensationalism and the relaxation in technical detail that you usually get. Not that I'm an expert, but it sure seemed true to reality..



I thought it had a pretty good explanation of how terrorist networks are made up and how the leadership insulates themselves from the actual operations.

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What I find kind of curious is how many people (not talking about anyone here, obviously) I encountered yesterday, in the work world, who either had no idea or little concern over what happened in London. One woman I work with said, "but it was only like, 40 people, or something". Could you imagine anyone feeling that way, after 9/11? I guess there is a fine line to walk between being too sensitive, and not sensitive enough.

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What I find kind of curious is how many people (not talking about anyone here, obviously) I encountered yesterday, in the work world, who either had no idea or little concern over what happened in London.  One woman I work with said, "but it was only like, 40 people, or something".  Could you imagine anyone feeling that way, after 9/11?  I guess there is a fine line to walk between being too sensitive, and not sensitive enough.



I find it most irritating as well.


THey must all be more concerned with reality TV, talking on thier cell phones, and eating Hot Pockets.


ooooo.....look, something shiny...

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I thought it had a pretty good explanation of how terrorist networks are made up and how the leadership insulates themselves from the actual operations.




The only problem I had ( and it's a pretty nitpicky problem) is that I did not get a good feel for what kind of an explosion a bomb like that makes. I only got a flash of light, and then fire service crews trying to contain a city block afterward. I always had a question on what the explosive power a bomb like that would look like, and I still do.


And yes, I know it's alot to ask of a movie about something that has not happened in the world yet. So I can't be too critical of it.

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The only problem I had ( and it's a pretty nitpicky problem) is that I did not get a good feel for what kind of an explosion a bomb like that makes.  I only got a flash of light, and then fire service crews trying to contain a city block afterward.  I always had a question on what the explosive power a bomb like that would look like, and I still do. 


And yes, I know it's alot to ask of a movie about something that has not happened in the world yet.  So I can't be too critical of it.



You have a point with that. I guess they figured that people would not pay that close of attention to it.

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