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Bills fan experiences at away games

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I went to a Jets game in the Meadowlands. They had a lot of good-natured fun at my expense when Bledsoe preceeded to stink out the joint.





Which time??? ;)



You will usually find a handful of idiots at Jets games, but most of them are fine.

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New England has been hell, at least since the end of the Kelly era.


Patriots "fans" are rude, arrogant, and disrespectful, almost to a person.  The tailgate experience (pre-game) has generally been good, but in more than one occasion I've feared for my personal safety on the way out of the stadium -- while being pefectly quiet  and only the hat on my head tipping my allegiance.


If you can avoid it, don't go. Don't waste your money.  I will not pay a dime to go into that stadium again -- but for some reason, tickets always seem to find me  :lol:


I've got to second this. I had a similar post written out almost word-for-word. First game I went to was at the old joint. Threatened before the game, threatened during the game, definately feared for my safety on the way out. Went alone, and wore my Kelly jersey. Thought maybe just had a bad year, so went again...same result. So much for the Kraft's making it a family experience. Pats fans are scum.


Typical response from Thurman's Helmet. Typical Pats fan, typical a-hole.

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I have never been to an away game for the Bills, partially because the opportunity hasn't arisen, but moreso because I feel like it'd be a pretty terrible experience. 


It's not quite like baseball where you may be able to civilly discuss stats or the game at large, or where everyone cheers for a big play regardless of what team you're on (all null and void if we're talking Sox-Yanks, of course).  There are only 16 football games, every game means a little more, the division rivalries are big and things can get mean.


That said, what have your experiences been as a Bills fan on another team's turf?  Positives, negatives, all of it.  I'd like to know.  Where have you encountered the most Bills fans?  What about those of you who are regular attendees in other cities?


I thought it might be interesting to talk football, even if indirectly. :lol:



do NOT sit in the lower end zone sections.


just asking for trouble from drunken fans

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I have been to two away games,,,

At Cincy....there were more Bills fans there than Bungles fans....No problem..

At K C..at a SOLD out pre-season game....Mostly took grief from drunk teenage girls...There were probably 12 of us Blue wearing Bills fans amongst 76,000 Red and Yellow wearing Chiefs fans...Damn they were loud....

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I went to a Skins game once. Everyone around me was super cool and went pretty well. The only problem I had was at one point I was cheering after a Skins turnover and some guy in front of me said "why don't you shut up, you're probably not even from Buffalo". I calmly replied "oh yeah, well you're not from Maryland". He got really pissed off and later I found out that he was very disgruntled over the fact that the Skins no longer played within the district. This was around 99' I'm guessing.

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I have been to away games at the Meadowlands, FedEx Field (or whatever they call the 'Skins' place now), and Texas Stadium. Also an away preseason game at Arrowhead when I happened to be in KC at the same time.


I was spit on at the Meadowlands. In fairness, I invited it. That was the game in '91 when Thurman scored on the last play of the game to win it. I stood up, turned around, and raised my fists in the air, proudly displaying my Bills shirt. I sat down and my buddy (a Jets fan) was sitting there with his head in his hands mumbling "I can't believe you turned around." That's when the saliva arrived, and my poor buddy got some of it too.


The Redsucks game was the one where Flutie had a great game and we stomped them 34-17 or something. There were Bills fans everywhere. Bills fans in front of us. Bills fans behind us. Bills fans on either side. We high-fived throughout the game and by the fourth quarter, only Bills fans were left. It felt like a home game.


The Cowboys game was that horrible debacle a couple of years ago. All I have to say is that Texas Stadium is a dump.


Arrowhead, in '95, was actually filled to capacity in a PRE-SEASON game (maybe that's the same one LewPort went to). 75,000 people wearing red. As my wife and I walked through the parking lot, a heavyset middle-aged woman in Chiefs garb saw my Bills shirt and flipped me the bird. I wanted to lie on the ground holding my head and say "Hey, who am I? I'm Joe Montana. Get it?" :lol:

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For some of us a Bills game at the Ralph is an "away" game :lol: .


But seriously, I love the fact that when you're at an away game, all Bills fans are your best friends. We seek each other out, high five as we walk down the street, whisper "Go Bills" as we pass each other going into the stadium. And the pre-game parties seem to take on a special intensity because of we're in "enemy" territory.


Even if we lose, we still share the pride in having made the sacrifice to get there and support our team.

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Only one game: Bills at Philly. I personally did not have a problem, but a friend of mine did. After the game, a woman and her extremely drunk boyfriend saw my buddy and his Bills shirt (the Bills won 10-7, IIRC). She kept egging on her boyfriend to beat the hell out of my buddy for being a Bills fan. Fortunately, this guy was too drunk to do anything and was substantially smaller than my buddy and nothing happened. The woman was not happy that nothing happened.


Otherwise, no big deal. Like previous posters have said: if you behave yourself, you will be fine. When you get obnoxious about the Bills in their stadium, you are in trouble.

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I was at the Cowboys game a couple years ago, and it was a miserable experience mostly because we sucked soooooooo badly on offense. Fans in the stadium weren't a problem at all. On the way to the car after the game? Another story. It's a long walk to the lots at that stadium, and 3/4 of the way through it we were cruising along minding our own business. You walk right next to where drivers are exiting the lots. A black SUV is driving towards us, didn't think anything of it...the driver slows a little, but is still moving in the opposite direction...faster than I could react the MFer driving the SUV cold cocked me and sped away. I found out that night I could still take a punch. He caught me right below my left eye. I didn't even have time to kick his fuggin car he was away so fast. Most people around us didn't even know what had happened--it was so quick.

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Its called HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE for a reason.  We dont want you comfortable and cheering for the away team in OUR stadium.


Just like you dont want a bunch of Pats fans whooping it up at the Ralph.     

Then again, maybe you just got caught in the wrong section around the wrong fans.      I've never threatened a fan of another team nor have I poured beer or anything like that.    Only banter and smack talk from this end.



I know what you mean about Home Field Advantage, but this isn't it. I've sat in almost every section of those stadiums (old and new) and I got the same treatment. If you're civil (I'll take your word on it), you are definitely in the minority.


It's not just the Bills, either. I have a friend whose 8-year old son (at the time) was wearing a Steelers jacket to a game at the old stadium. The 8-year old was urinated on by a "fan" right there in the stands. Classy, huh?

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I know what you mean about Home Field Advantage, but this isn't it.  I've sat in almost every section of those stadiums (old and new) and I got the same treatment.  If you're civil (I'll take your word on it), you are definitely in the minority.


It's not just the Bills, either.  I have a friend whose 8-year old son (at the time) was wearing a Steelers jacket to a game at the old stadium.  The 8-year old was urinated on by a "fan" right there in the stands.  Classy, huh?



You have got to be kidding me, man I do not care where I was, i am sure that would not go unpunished even by the home fans

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Which time???    :lol:

You will usually find a handful of idiots at Jets games, but most of them are fine.



I was at the NYJ game last year. I believe I would've died if the Jets kicker had missed the fieldgoal at the end to win 16-14. My buddy and I were jumping on each other after Bledsoe hit Evans with the bomb to take the lead. Took a hot pretzel off the head. (I had a Jimbo tshirt on). We had three seats, and our other buddy was a Jets fan, so I assume he couldve talked us out of there. But maybe he would've pounded us also.


I went to the game in San Fran right after Xmas last year. The fans were pretty down; they had a horrible year and the Bills were working them over. In the 3rd quarter I went to get a hotdog and I got a few Norwood catcalls and some Wide Rights. I told my dad I was actually excited to hear their fans say something. It's expected and almost disappointing when they don't. Thats half the fun of an away game is cheering for the "wrong" team.


I must admit I give opposing fans some beef at the Ralph. Always try to be respectful of the youngsters, but I don't want some punks to feel like they can yuck it up. Oh yeah, and I have a voucher for one toss of a hot pretzel to a Jets fan's head.

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Indy vs Bills MNF...We lost like 38-9...I was hit with about 25 Soft Pretzels, 40 peanuts, and 12 plastic beer bottles, but judging by the way all 20 of us were acting it probably was appropriate


At $3.50 a pretzel, $2.25 a bag of nuts and $5.25 a cold beer, that's a lot of stupid people.

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I went to the game in Indy a while ago; it was during the Todd Collins era. I was pretty young at the time and my dad and I sat the entire game, clapped our hands when the bills did something right, but we weren't annoying to any extent. Well, about 4 or 5 50 year old guys threw three beers at me. I couldn't been any older than 11 or 12. My dad and I had to move eventually.

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My first game ever was the last game of the '92 regular season at Houston. I've since been to Charlotte, Washington, and Baltimore, but that was horrible. I remember my 75 year old grandmother being treated like crap and had to put her wheelchair in the standing room section and not the specified wheelchair section. Plus we lost pretty bad and Kelly got hurt... the Oilers fans were relentless. Horrible first game experience.

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My first game ever was the last game of the '92 regular season at Houston.  I've since been to Charlotte, Washington, and Baltimore, but that was horrible. I remember my 75 year old grandmother being treated like crap and had to put her wheelchair in the standing room section and not the specified wheelchair section.  Plus we lost pretty bad and Kelly got hurt... the Oilers fans were relentless. Horrible first game experience.


Yes, but I'll bet the game the next week more than made up for it. :lol:

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