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US Terror Level Alert raised

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1) the comments directed twords you were in the reply with your message quoted.

the comments made in the post with somone else's reply quoted, were not. that was simply my attempt to clertify my position. but im not sure how you could have possibly understood it, since i did not capitalize the first letter of each sentence.  :doh:


2) i dont think it is important for me to be taken seriously on a message board. this is not a paper, report, or presentation. this is a MESSAGE BOARD. and since most of the posts here have spelling or punctuation errors in them, i dont see why you have, all of a sudden, developed this problem.



Fare enufgh. If you think you can pick and choose when to be taken seriously you will get eaten alive.


I'm tired of casting pearls before swine. Over and out.

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Fare enufgh. If you think you can pick and choose when to be taken seriously you will get eaten alive.


I'm tired of casting pearls before swine. Over and out.


i think its safe to say, my comments on this message board will not have a serious effect on my life.

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If God didn't want me to burn stuff, he wouldn't have made gasoline mixed with soap flakes stick to arrows.



I never thought of that. Good show. My crowd used to take those water-pressure pump-up bulbous plastic rocket toys and pre-wrap them with cloth attached with newspaper bundle wire, soak it with gas and light it and launch them at night.


Flaming arrows would have been better, tho. :doh:

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I never thought of that. Good show. My crowd used to take those water-pressure pump-up bulbous plastic rocket toys and pre-wrap them with cloth attached with newspaper bundle wire, soak it with gas and light it and launch them at night.


Flaming arrows would have been better, tho. :doh:



There are many uses when you remove the material from a "Blue Tip" match.


Burnishing beads and a wrist-racket breaks glass vey nicely.



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You are degrading faster than I thought. What a charmer you are.


I'm not sure what you are defending here, your inability to discern colors (I'll take a wild guess that you drive a vehicle and have somehow figured out the difference between green-yellow-red; I'll leave orange alone for now), or that you think that government should do all for you, assumably to the point of wiping off your arse as you arise from the commode.




"Yo momma"



Me degrading?


Apparently you have an inability to read and respond in a sensible manner. Perhaps if you would take a second to read my posts, you would have seen my argument and responded to it.


My Argument Is:


There is no reason for the government to use the color coded system over simply stating what state we are in.


It seems as though that the concept of having simplicity when complexity isn't needed escapes you. Do you happen to work in the DMV? Seems like you'd fit right in there.

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Me degrading?


Apparently you have an inability to read and respond in a sensible manner.  Perhaps if you would take a second to read my posts, you would have seen my argument and responded to it.


My Argument Is:


There is no reason for the government to use the color coded system over simply stating what state we are in.


It seems as though that the concept of having simplicity when complexity isn't needed escapes you.  Do you happen to work in the DMV?  Seems like you'd fit right in there.


Uh, not everyone can read. Hence...

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Uh, not everyone can read.  Hence...


Then they have no business being in this country.


Learn OUR language, pray to OUR God, learn OUR warning system or get the hell out.


What the hell do these people think we are, some kind of melting pot?

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Then they have no business being in this country.


Learn OUR language, pray to OUR God, learn OUR warning system or get the hell out.


What the hell do these people think we are, some kind of melting pot?


Just for fun, lets see how long it takes for "Mr. can't pick up on sarcism" to reply to this statement.

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And if you put in in writing and these people can't read, how will they know what it means?  :doh:



Exactly my point. It isn't a sensible argument for keeping one system over another.


Imagine if the whole world worked the way the terror alert worked instead of the sane ways they work now.


"This Hurricane seems to be an orange hurricane, but the one next week will only be a green"


"That movie was an orange!"


"That earthquake was a red!"


"This morning it seems as though traffic is a yellow"


"That virus has a threat level of red"

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Christ, just something more to B word about. Waaaa, Waaa Waaaa :doh:

Sounds like a fcking three year old, I cant tell what the color means, I dont know.......I want it my way.

What are you 22?


"Blue fire?





When it comes to politics, if I think a system could be better, I'll B word and moan about it all I damn well please. Thats the grand thing about this country, you're allowed to make it better.

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Then they have no business being in this country.


Learn OUR language, pray to OUR God, learn OUR warning system or get the hell out.


What the hell do these people think we are, some kind of melting pot?



!@#$ man we aint no meltin pot.


Perhaps they can actually listen to their television.  It doesn't matter, though.  GWB obviously doesn't care about the colorblind.



Damn him! :doh:

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Exactly my point.  It isn't a sensible argument for keeping one system over another.


Imagine if the whole world worked the way the terror alert worked instead of the sane ways they work now.


"This Hurricane seems to be an orange hurricane, but the one next week will only be a green"


"That movie was an orange!"


"That earthquake was a red!"


"This morning it seems as though traffic is a yellow"


"That virus has a threat level of red"




s about most people recognize that green usually means good to go, yellow means warning/ slow, and red means there is a problem. I think adding orage jst gave one more level and is the natural color between yellow and red, since it is a mix. A little common sense goes a long way. Oh and BTW everyone in the world does use green., yellow, red for those meaning above.

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When it comes to politics, if I think a system could be better, I'll B word and moan about it all I damn well please.  Thats the grand thing about this country, you're allowed to make it better.


Yeah but bitching doesn't make it better. Part of the free speech and anyne running for office had to do with coming up with ideas not just attacking others becuase you don't like theirs.

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