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Arlen Spector

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as Senate Judiciary Chairman....can someone explain to me exactly what roll Arlen Spector plays in the acceptance or rejection of Bush's choice to fill O'Connor's seat?



The Senate Judiciary holds confirmation hearings on judges. Just like anything else in the legislature, items need to go through the committee before it can reach the Senate floor.

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ok....but what power does Spector hold. why is it a problem to the Religous Right that Spector is pro-choice? what can he do to prevent a pro-life judge from getting past the committee?


or is the the concern of the RR unfounded because he really has little or no power...if he simply oversees the committee?

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ok....but what power does Spector hold.  why is it a problem to the Religous Right that Spector is pro-choice?  what can he do to prevent a pro-life judge from getting past the committee?


or is the the concern of the RR unfounded because he really has little or no power...if he simply oversees the committee?


I cannot think of anything he can do to prevent pro-lifers from getting through that he couldn't do as just a member of the committee. I may be wrong, but tie-breaking votes would be the only thing. If there are a majority of pro-lifers on the committee, then the nominee will get through. Otherwise, a pro-choice candidate would get through.


Of course, there is that little thingy about other issues playing a factor other than just abortion.

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Well, considering that democrats vote against ABSOLUTLY everything the president does these days, and the republicans only hold a 1 seat majority in the judiciary committee, if he votes with the democrats, the nomination does not even get to the floor. Of course there would be a HUGE public outcry about this, so its very unlikely, but that is the concern.

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