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James Stockdale passes away

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Still can remember the debate and his memorable statement:


"I think America is seeing right now the reason this nation is in gridlock. The trickle-downs and the tax-and-spends, or whatever you want to call them, are at swords point."

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Medal of Honor notwithstanding, a merciful God would have killed him shortly after that debate and spared him the pain of living with it... 


I still cringe thinking about it.  :)



a merciful god would have killed him before the debate so it never would have happened

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the only thing that I could think that would have been worse then having him as a possible VP would have been having that weasel edwards as VP. No steel plate in his cranium but the way he repeated that old poor mill worker story made me think he had a mental condition that was similar in nature to the stockdale wound.

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Stockdale was a man's man. It's only too bad that so many will remember the feeble and overmatched guy in the Presidential debate.


RIP Admiral. The world was better for you being here.


Nice headline. Couldn't have been "Admiral James Stockdale, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, passes." Nah, too classy. Fuggin' media.

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Sheesh. I try to highlight the positive, okay the only positive, and you two immediately jump in with the negatives  :)  :)



Hey, I mentioned the MOH. Mentioned it first, actually.


Given that I've never served, and that I watched that debate, it's only natural that I'd be more sensitized to his debate performance than his medals...just because I have an unavoidable civilian bias, however, doesn't mean I don't recognize the guy was a hero.

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Hey, I mentioned the MOH.  Mentioned it first, actually. 


Given that I've never served, and that I watched that debate, it's only natural that I'd be more sensitized to his debate performance than his medals...just because I have an unavoidable civilian bias, however, doesn't mean I don't recognize the guy was a hero.



I know. Just throwing out some good natured crap. No seriousness involved my last statement above :lol:

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Many thought the Perot candidacy was serious until Stockdale said:


"Who am I, and what am I doing here?"


He was sadly overmatched and should have never been chosen.

Sad that a good man will mostly be remembered for that.



On the other hand, I'm sure most VPs ask themselves that at least once a day... :lol:

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He could have just said no to the nomination. I squirmed in agony for the poor man. To many people who didn't know much about him or his background (probably most Americans) he became a joke. He deserved better. Another reason to just say no.

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