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I'm not going to attend my UCC church any more...

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You can find rationale in the Word of God for slavery.  Somehow popular opinion trumps that word today.  It might not all be so black and white.


Also, try not to forget that Jesus embraced the outcasts of the time and saw them as people when others would not.  When the scriptures conflict with justice, I believe we should choose the latter every time.



What does justice have to do with taking something that is spelled out in the Bible as a sin and accepting it as though it were not a sin?


Since when is popular opinion what goes?


Yes, Jesus loves even you...

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Do you take everything that is written in the Bible as the literal truth, black and white, no doubt about it?



Why does it matter if I take everything in the Bible as literal truth? It is pretty clear and uncomplicated that sexual deviancy (hetero and homo) is a sin!

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:w00t:  :w00t:  :devil:  :devil:  :lol:  :D



If you change the color of you sig, we might be able to read it. Yellow really doesnt show up well on this board. But then again, you dont care about anybody else anyway. It shows in your politics.

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Yeah.  The Vatican has a long history of being VERY clear in that regard...  :devil:



"Hey man don't you be hatin on some people just because they be wrongfully accused" - Michael Jackson

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Yeah.  The Vatican has a long history of being VERY clear in that regard...  :devil:



Yes, the Vatican that is made up of humans who are all sinners as well as the next guy; and as well as a sad percentage of people throughout the entire population given the rash of recent stories in the news about sex crimes that are actually committed by men who are not priests.


Like the recent one in Idaho where the guy was out on $15K bail; does the judicial system involved in that decision get the same treatment as the Catholic Church from those who will condemn an entire organization due to the behavior or bad decisions of a few; even if some of the few were near or at the top?

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Like the recent one in Idaho where the guy was out on $15K bail; does the judicial system involved in that decision get the same treatment as the Catholic Church from those who will condemn an entire organization due to the behavior or bad decisions of a few; even if some of the few were near or at the top?



The judicial system doesn't have codified into law "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," however. :devil:

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What does justice have to do with taking something that is spelled out in the Bible as a sin and accepting it as though it were not a sin?


Since when is popular opinion what goes?


Yes, Jesus loves even you...


Whereas you sit at God's right hand? Make no assumptions about me, friend. :devil:


My point, precisely, which you pretty deftly avoided, is that the Bible pretty much spells out that it's OK to own slaves. Popular opinion/morals rightly dictate otherwise.


If you cannot recognize that the Bible was written by capital-M Men and edited by them, then you are missing the larger point.

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The judicial system doesn't have codified into law "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," however.  :devil:



So, does this mean the vast majority of those here who don't "believe" can continue to bash the Catholic Church but since I try to be "good" I should STFU?

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Whereas you sit at God's right hand?  Make no assumptions about me, friend. :devil:


My point, precisely, which you pretty deftly avoided, is that the Bible pretty spells out that it's OK to own slaves.  Popular opinion/morals rightly dictate otherwise.


If you cannot recognize that the Bible was written by capital-M Men and edited by them, then you are missing the larger point.



NO !!! I do not sit at God's right hand! I am a sinner; I know it. My point about Jesus even loves you (and me) is me agreeing with your statement "that Jesus embraced the outcasts of the time and saw them as people when others would not". People who live the gay lifestyle are sinners just like you and me. We should all strive to not sin, but we will never fully succeed.


Popular opinions are NOT morals. We'll never really know absolute right and absolute wrong. But, at least people like me feel better about doing what we think God says is "right" vs. "wrong" instead of men who think right and wrong changes over time.


No, I can not recognize that the Bible was written by mere men. The Bible is the inspired Word of God. Some errors might exist due to incorrect translations. This is one of the things we "believers", well, believe.

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NO !!!  I do not sit at God's right hand!  I am a sinner; I know it.  My point about Jesus even loves you (and me) is me agreeing with your statement "that Jesus embraced the outcasts of the time and saw them as people when others would not".  People who live the gay lifestyle are sinners just like you and me.  We should all strive to not sin, but we will never fully succeed.


Popular opinions are NOT morals.  We'll never really know absolute right and absolute wrong.  But, at least people like me feel better about doing what we think God says is "right" vs. "wrong" instead of men who think right and wrong changes over time.


No, I can not recognize that the Bible was written by mere men.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God.  Some errors might exist due to incorrect translations.  This is one of the things we "believers", well, believe.


You didn't answer the question. What about the slaves?


This has been covered many times, but what the heck:


If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.


Solid so far... :lol:


Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear material woven of two kinds of material.


I don't even know what to say!


Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.


Well, now we're ALL going to hell!


Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.


Guess the South was right after all. Too bad they lost the war!


And the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.


Don't get between a jimshiz and his pork!


For everyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood shall be upon him.


Has your kid ever swore at you? Get the gun!


Shellfish shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat their flesh, but you shall regard their carcasses as an abomination.


Lobster anyone?


If a man lies with a woman during her sickness and uncovers her nakedness, he has discovered her flow, and she has uncovered the flow of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from her people.


Not to get too personal, but have you ever? ;)



So, which ones are you taking literally, all of them?

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NO !!!  I do not sit at God's right hand!  I am a sinner; I know it.  My point about Jesus even loves you (and me) is me agreeing with your statement "that Jesus embraced the outcasts of the time and saw them as people when others would not".  People who live the gay lifestyle are sinners just like you and me.  We should all strive to not sin, but we will never fully succeed.


Popular opinions are NOT morals.  We'll never really know absolute right and absolute wrong.  But, at least people like me feel better about doing what we think God says is "right" vs. "wrong" instead of men who think right and wrong changes over time.


No, I can not recognize that the Bible was written by mere men.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God.  Some errors might exist due to incorrect translations.  This is one of the things we "believers", well, believe.


Guess I'm a thread killer. I was raised a Christian as well, but I can't claim to take everything in the Bible literally.


I'd still like to read a response to this from jimshiz...

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Guess I'm a thread killer.  I was raised a Christian as well, but I can't claim to take everything in the Bible literally.


I'd still like to read a response to this from jimshiz...



I gotta kind of have to go with you on that. I'm not trying to incite religious fervor, but the Bible most Protestants read is definately (in my mind, at least) a man approved interpretation. Why is it called the King James version? Compare it to the Greek texts. The word of God is not what the original settlers carried from England.

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