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I'm not going to attend my UCC church any more...

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Heard on the radio today that their ledership committe decided to back gay marraiges in their church. Disappointed, as it cheapens the value of the ceremony that my wife and I underwent there. I certainly won't be providing the church with any more tithes or offerings.


Eh, what the hell. It's my wife's church anyway. Not like I really attend other than Xmas. I just won't go then, either.

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Heard on the radio today that their ledership committe decided to back gay marraiges in their church. Disappointed, as it cheapens the value of the ceremony that my wife and I underwent there. I certainly won't be providing the church with any more tithes or offerings.


Eh, what the hell. It's my wife's church anyway. Not like I really attend other than Xmas. I just won't go then, either.



Yeah, OK. On Christmas, you are gonna stay home while she attends church? :(


We'll see how macho you are when that time comes. ;):lol:

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Oh well, then. The only thing that truly cheapens your marriage is your own personal perspective on it. Don't worry. People eventually got over the outrage of interracial marriage, and this too shall pass. Thankfully.


And I like the "I don't really practice religion or go to church, but now I really don't have a reason to" excuse.

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Heard on the radio today that their ledership committe decided to back gay marraiges in their church. Disappointed, as it cheapens the value of the ceremony that my wife and I underwent there. I certainly won't be providing the church with any more tithes or offerings.


Eh, what the hell. It's my wife's church anyway. Not like I really attend other than Xmas. I just won't go then, either.



The day the church announced this, your marriage became valueless.

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Heard on the radio today that their ledership committe decided to back gay marraiges in their church. Disappointed, as it cheapens the value of the ceremony that my wife and I underwent there. I certainly won't be providing the church with any more tithes or offerings.


Eh, what the hell. It's my wife's church anyway. Not like I really attend other than Xmas. I just won't go then, either.



I am against gay marriage too, but I wouldn't be opposed to attending a nice hot lesbian wedding. ;)

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And I like the "I don't really practice religion or go to church, but now I really don't have a reason to" excuse.



LOL, anything to get out of the fuggin sermon, believe me.


Seriously, it's hard to support an organization whose scriptural foundation is against homosexuality when they then turn around and support gay marraige.


And sorry, interracial marraige is a whole different animal.


And Darin...that's the great thing about churches, you don't have to support the ones you don't agree with. If they want to embrace queerdom, fine with me. Doesn't mean I have to give my time and money to the cause, too.

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And Darin...that's the great thing about churches, you don't have to support the ones you don't agree with. If they want to embrace queerdom, fine with me. Doesn't mean I have to give my time and money to the cause, too.



Have you checked this against the Federal Hate Crime statutes, though? It might be a federal crime to exercise freedom of religion based on your beliefs about homosexuality.


I'm not even kidding...given the thoroughly !@#$ed-up nature of Illinois' laws we discovered a few days ago, I'm wondering what else is out there. Wouldn't it just be a hoot if walking away from your church because of your stance on homosexuality could effectively be considered "hate speech" and a federal crime? ;)

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Have you checked this against the Federal Hate Crime statutes, though?  It might be a federal crime to exercise freedom of religion based on your beliefs about homosexuality.


I'm not even kidding...given the thoroughly !@#$ed-up nature of Illinois' laws we discovered a few days ago, I'm wondering what else is out there.  Wouldn't it just be a hoot if walking away from your church because of your stance on homosexuality could effectively be considered "hate speech" and a federal crime?  ;)



It wouldn't suprise me in the least.


I was watching PBS' series "Liberty" on Sunday morning this past weekend. That the thoughts of our founding fathers could ahve turned into this abortive mess that our government has become is a tragedy.


As soon as Woodrow Wilson opened the door to big Federal government, this nation was effectivley doomed to fail.

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I was watching PBS' series "Liberty" on Sunday morning this past weekend. That the thoughts of our founding fathers could ahve turned into this abortive mess that our government has become is a tragedy.


As soon as Woodrow Wilson opened the door to big Federal government, this nation was effectivley doomed to fail.



Love it or Leave it!


(Always wanted to say that to a right-wing wacko).

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Have you checked this against the Federal Hate Crime statutes, though?  It might be a federal crime to exercise freedom of religion based on your beliefs about homosexuality.


I'm not even kidding...given the thoroughly !@#$ed-up nature of Illinois' laws we discovered a few days ago, I'm wondering what else is out there.  Wouldn't it just be a hoot if walking away from your church because of your stance on homosexuality could effectively be considered "hate speech" and a federal crime?  ;)



Hey, why not?


Here in NYC, a white man who beat a black guy senseless is going down as a "hate crime." Nevermind the fact that the poor slob beaten was casing the neighborhood for cars to steal and admitted it.

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And Darin...that's the great thing about churches, you don't have to support the ones you don't agree with.


Which pretty much explains why I have nothing to do with organized religion, aside from belittling it just about every chance I get. ;)

If they want to embrace queerdom, fine with me.

Yeah, I hate freedom for everyone too.

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I am against gay marriage too, but I wouldn't be opposed to attending a nice hot lesbian wedding.  ;)



The problem is that most of the lesbians I've seen on TV getting "married" look more masculine that most of the guys on this board.

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Heard on the radio today that their ledership committe decided to back gay marraiges in their church. Disappointed, as it cheapens the value of the ceremony that my wife and I underwent there. I certainly won't be providing the church with any more tithes or offerings.


Eh, what the hell. It's my wife's church anyway. Not like I really attend other than Xmas. I just won't go then, either.



I gave up on the institution of the church when I was about 16. So, I support your decision, although not necessarily your reasoning, but whatever works for you.

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