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Not that he was any good to begin with.  Let's face it, anyone who fries up elbow macaroni and seasons it with pickle juice is probably going to be pretty resistant to most poisons...  ;)



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Most Respected: Rockpile

Most likely to become president: Hillary (friggin New Yorkers :lol: )

Most Conservative: Darin

Most Liberal: Darin

Most Artistic:Jp-era

Best personality: :lol:

Our Einstein:The crap thrower

Board Dreamboat: What kind of poll Q is that Detox? Fag....... ;)

Most likely to read poetry:R.Rich

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: VABills

Mr. Doom:Gene Fenkle

Perfect couple:BF and Cable Lady

Most likely to start a LAMP: Geico Boy

Most likely to have a beer poured on him: JSP

Best Captian: Kirk

Worst Captian: Picard




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Most Respected: Gus and his Dad. Especially his Dad. Thirdborn has been through a lot. We fell out of touch about 6 mos. ago. He's a good, good man.

Most likely to become president: KRC, seriously. He's on his way, and is truly trying to make a difference. PA's a start, tomorrow - the world.

Most Conservative: I'd have to escape from the death camp to report. RIO found out I was Catholic.

Most Liberal: Buf65. Hands down. I sort of hope he is Frankle. We do a share a love affair with Diana Krall.

Most Artistic: Johnny Coli. Words are art, as well. Runner up for Einstein. Germ Boy is a smart SOB, with a lot of background in a lot of things.

Best personality: Definitely not me. I have none. There are some good people here, those that are left. A shared award between many. R. Rich, Rockpile, AD and Cablelady come to mind, but there are many more. Forgive me if i have slighted you by not mentioning you.

Our Einstein: CTM, the guy is a veritable cornucopia of useless information, but - he knows how to put it in context, too. That is the sign of intelligence. If I want something that spouts statistics, I can Google.

Board Dreamboat: Trendi. Knew a good martini, too. My kind of gal.

Most likely to read poetry: BF. He's the only one who qualified himself here, I'm not going to judge.

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: I don't know if they post, but whoever is responsible for the current uniform monstrosity.

Mr. Doom: He's been doing a lot better since he figured out how to get Xanax from overseas pharmacies. Really. Now, he has a flower garden and a kitty. He calls him "Doom". Cat sort of looks at him in confusion, but it's better than Leocadius.

Perfect couple: Couple of what? Lot's of choices, but I'll go with BF and Mensa. He can still read these, even if he can't post. What an idiot. In so many ways. Feel good today, moron? Happy about who you hurt? Be proud. You should try to live past sixteen. No excuse. Some people become adults. Try it sometime.

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan, of course. How'd he get the posse over KRC's or AD's minions? Saturation. Good job, Steve.

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