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Stadium Wall Poll

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When I was in highschool we had a senior poll. We'd vote for who we though would become president or who was best dressed. I thought it would be fun to do the same thing here with a stadium wall twist. You can use the list below or create your own poll. Write-ins are encouraged. ;)


TBD Poll


Most Respected:

Most likely to become president:

Most Conservative:

Most Liberal:

Most Artistic:

Best personality:

Our Einstein:

Board Dreamboat:

Most likely to read poetry:

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons:

Mr. Doom:

Perfect couple:

Most likely to start a LAMP:

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Top Posters In This Topic

Top Posters In This Topic

Most Respected: Ghost of Bib

Most likely to become president: KRC

Most Conservative: VABills

Most Liberal: Darin ;)

Most Artistic: Johnny Coli

Best personality: Ed

Our Einstein: Crap Throwing Monkey

Board Dreamboat: Ed again

Most likely to read poetry: LABillzFan

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: BF

Mr. Doom: BF

Perfect couple: BF and Stojan (just b/c I would like to see Stojan whip the sh-- out of him)

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan

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Most Respected: Tie between RRich and Rockpile

Most likely to become president: Yeah, right.

Most Conservative: USMC

Most Liberal: Myself..

Most Artistic: Johnny Coli

Best personality: Cindy (Thanks again for the Jimbo autograph!)

Our Einstein: hahahahah

Board Dreamboat: The ladies seem to like USMC

Most likely to read poetry: FFS

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: BF

Mr. Doom: Ed

Perfect couple: Darin and Tom

Most likely to start a LAMP: Myself

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TBD Poll


Most Respected: None (the level of conversation sucks too much overall)

Most likely to become president: If the focus is terrorism, BiB. Otherwise, Reuben Grant.

Most Conservative: JoeSixPack

Most Liberal: blzrul

Most Artistic: hell if I know

Best personality: me duh

Our Einstein: none for sure

Board Dreamboat: wtf

Most likely to read poetry: AD ;)

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: DC Tom

Mr. Doom: stevestojan of course

Perfect couple: BiB and DC Tom

Most likely to start a LAMP: stevestojan

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Most Respected: Ghost of BiB & R.Rich

Most likely to become president: Probably KRC. Most entertaining would be AD since he would just start shooting people from the get go.

Most Conservative: JoeSixPack - although he'll probably give me flak for that since "conservative" is too "liberal" of a term for him :(

Most Liberal: VABills - I am positive there's a bleeding heart under that cold-hearted bastard exterior :lol:

Most Artistic: I vote for my wife even though she's not a member of the board

Best personality: Ramius

Our Einstein: Crap Throwing Monkey

Board Dreamboat: Why me of course, just check out my avatar ;)

Most likely to read poetry:

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: BF

Mr. Doom: /dev/null - anybody with that big of a woody for Picard can't be up to any good :)

Perfect couple: Ramius and Puhonix

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan

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Definitely haven't been here long enough to have an informed opinion on all posters, but i think its a great idea to give the old time posters the respect they deserve for adding more color and chutzpa to TSW. You and the Mods make this place a pleasure to read.

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Most Respected: Badolbilz, Lori and AKC wrt football. Hon. Mention to Simon, Mark and R.Rich.

Most likely to become president: Have no idea why, but stuckincincy.

Most Conservative: Alaska Darin, but he wont admit it. :)

Most Liberal: Exiled in Illinois - blzrul has actually taken conservative stances on issues.

Most Artistic: I suppose LA Billsfan with the hot women in his avitar. :) Also, #89.

Best Personality: Me :lol: Seriously, #89 and cablelady come to mind. I will not list males in this category.

Our Einstein: Easily CTM, even if he misplaces a comma from time to time. :);)

Board Dreamboat: Lana K5?

Most Likely to read poetry: blzrul. Poems of Michael Dukakis. :(

Most likely to design a Bills Helmet using crayons: #89 because she is so artistic.

Mr. Doom: JSP, John in Minn., SoCalSurf. Btw, I like doom posts as a compliment to "everything is wonderful."

Perfect Couple: BFII and Crap Throwing Monkey. CTM talks tough but he would stop whatever he is doing to help BFII should the need exist. I am sure of this.

Most Likely to start a LAMP: My man Ed, and I wish he would start one every day.

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Most Respected: Respect?  Here?

Most likely to become president: KRC.  As far as I know, he's the only one running.

Most Conservative: RichInOhio.

Most Liberal: Johnny Coli...and I mean that in a good way.

Most Artistic: I don't know, so I'll say Gavin, just because he needs the attention.

Best personality: Define 'best'.  If you mean 'nicest'...it's a toss-up.  Rosen and #89 are two of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

Our Einstein: Since I'm just humble enough to not select myself...Johnny Coli.

Board Dreamboat: SDS.  He's so dreamy.

Best Cook: BF

Most likely to read poetry: BF.  Most likely to understand poetry, however...

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: Ed.

Mr. Doom: Again, because he needs the attention, JSP.

Perfect couple: Harriet and BF

Most likely to start a LAMP: stojan.

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Most Respected: SDS

Most likely to become president: Rueben Grant, I'd agree.

Most Conservative: Joe Six Pack (any more, and he'd loop back and be a flaming lib)

Most Liberal: EII.

Most Artistic: Moose

Best personality: Hmm. Toss-up b/w Rockpile and R.Rich

Our Einstein: CTM

Board Dreamboat: Do the ticket girls count?

Most likely to read poetry: Me

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: BF

Mr. Doom: Haven't seen him in a while but, JP-Era did a good Chicken Little impression

Perfect couple: R.Rich & PsychoWard86, o' course.

Most likely to start a LAMP: stevestojan


Most likely to be buried in Bills garb: Rosen

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Most Respected: R. Rich

Most likely to become president: Triumph / Insult Comic Dog

Most Conservative: BillsDaily

Most Liberal: Alaska Darin

Most Artistic: Moose

Best personality: Aussiew and #89

Our Einstein: Fake Fat Sunny

Board Dreamboat: WTF?

Most likely to read poetry: Petrino

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: JP Era

Mr. Doom: BF

Perfect couple: BF and Cablelady

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan

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Most Respected: Bill from NYC

Most likely to become president: KRC

Most Conservative: AD

Most Liberal: Blzrul

Most Artistic: ummmm no idea

Best personality: tie: #89 & cablelady & aussiew

Our Einstein: CentralVaBills ( for this post alone) http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=25951

Board Dreamboat: WTF?

Most likely to read poetry: Blzrul

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: Blzrul

Mr. Doom: Bluefire

Perfect couple: BF and Cablelady

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stojan

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Most Respected: Yeah right.

Most likely to become president: KRC.

Most Conservative: RinO

Most Liberal: Bill in NYC (he just doesn't realize his smoking for everyone and Union labor are in line with libs)

Most Artistic: Jonny Coli

Best personality: R Rich (only because I don't want R & R associates coming after me)

Our Einstein: DC Tom/CTM

Board Dreamboat: Darin he looks good in those AF issued 4 inch pumps and smurf suit

Best Cook: Chef Jim with an honorable mention to BF

Most likely to read poetry: noone honestly

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: JP-era

Mr. Doom: BiB

Perfect couple: Ed and ieatcrayonz

Most likely to start a LAMP: sh--

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Most Respected: R. Rich

Most likely to become president: Me, of course. :(

Most Conservative: RiO

Most Liberal: Buckey/JeffGordon/Juliann

Most Artistic: Moose

Best personality: #89

Our Einstein: CTM

Board Dreamboat: Trendi (too bad she is no longer here :lol: )

Most likely to read poetry: FFS

Most likely to design a bills helmet using crayons: JP-Era

Mr. Doom: JohnInMinn

Perfect couple: KRC and Mrs. KRC ;)

Most likely to start a LAMP: Stoj

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