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NASA Crashes into a Comet

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I think the stuff NASA does is so cool. I mean, this comet is moving 23,000 miles per hour and they have the genius to throw a probe up there and have the comet smack into it. I mean, really, how cool is that? Space stuff just really impresses me.


There is another launch coming up soon isn't there?



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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



Technology developement is not worthwhile? :huh: The only thing I can think of that would be better to spend it on would be the military.

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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



Science lasts forever. Most other expenditures do not.


I for one am glad they fooled around with wacky and outrageously expensive experiments like communications satellites in the 50's and 60's instead of building a few more roads and a dam or two.

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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



do you have one of those bumperstickers on your car about the Air Force holding bake sales to buy bombers?

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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



Yeah...we wouldn't want to try and learn how to stop one of those things. It would be better if it slams into Earth and eliminates the human race. I'm with you. :huh:

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This was a pretty easy gig for JPL and NASA to pull off.  They've been smashing expensive stuff into Mars for years.




Haha! I just like the genius of it.


Scientist 1: Well how do we land onto a comet, they move too fast.

Scientist 2: We will just put a probe in orbit and let that big mofo smash into it.

Scientist 1: Brilliant!!! (Takes a drink off of his Guiness in a bottle)

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Astrologist sues NASA over crash


MOSCOW, Russia (Reuters) -- A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the U.S. space agency for damages of $300 million, local media has reported.


NASA deliberately crashed its probe, named Deep Impact, into the Tempel 1 comet to unleash a spray of material formed billions of years ago which scientists hope will shed new light on the composition of the solar system.


"It is obvious that elements of the comet's orbit, and correspondingly the ephemeris, will change after the explosion, which interferes with my astrology work and distorts my horoscope," Izvestia daily quoted astrologist Marina Bai as saying in legal documents submitted before Monday's collision.


A spokeswoman for a Moscow district court said initial preparations for the case were underway but could not say when the hearing would begin. NASA representatives in Moscow were unavailable for comment.

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Was it a preemptive strike because the comet had weapons of mass destruction?



I don't know, but I'm more concerned about the environmental damage that its caused to this asteroid. We've screwed up this planet, do we have to go around screwing up everything in space as well.





And yes, I'm being sarcastic.

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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



This is one of the most uninformed things I've ever read on this board. Do you have ANY concept of the technological advancements that have been direct results of the space program?


Here, go learn something: http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/apollo.htm

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I think the stuff NASA does is so cool.  I mean, this comet is moving 23,000 miles per hour and they have the genius to throw a probe up there and have the comet smack into it.  I mean, really, how cool is that?  Space stuff just really impresses me. 


There is another launch coming up soon isn't there?





I saw a special on this over the weekend. One of the physicists described it as "trying to hit one bullet with another bullet then have a third bullet take a picture of the collision.


The mathematics alone are mind numbing.

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I saw a special on this over the weekend.  One of the physicists described it as "trying to hit one bullet with another bullet then have a third bullet take a picture of the collision.


The mathematics alone are mind numbing.


And all three bullets traveling at 10X that of a rifle bullet.

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I don't really care for the space program.  They spend so much money on it.  There's much better uses that these billions and billions of dollars could go to.



is there some competition going on this past week or so of who can make the most retarded post?

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