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Road-Kill... What have you Contributed to the Road

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One of my roommates and I actually had a roadkill game where certain animals were worth a certain amount of points and there were bonuses like "multiple animals on a single road or trip". Plus, you got points for "pizzaing" any already smushed critter. We had the rules and tally sheet hanging on one of the kitchen walls.


Good times.


FWIW, I kicked his ass. Mostly because I had an early morning paper route delivering the Democrat and Chronicle throughout farm country. Lotsa smushed carcasses out yonder.

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Kind of like the field turf impressions Bledsoe left at RWS?






Not to change subjects. :);)


Field turf impressions? I heard at Boise State (I think that is the one with the bright blue FieldTurf?), birds fly and land on it thinking it is a body of water?


Is this true?

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A lot of the small critters. Most impressive display goes to a turkey vulture, and he did me a favor at the same time. I had a guy tailgating me, even though I was doing a little over the limit - jerk. So I see this turkey vulture swooping down from the trees, and I'm thinking "no, he won't" - well, yes, he did. Landed right in front of me, and then popped his head up to look at my grill.


Never swerve - certainly not for anything smaller than you are. And I coudn't brake to give the bird a fighting chance, thanks to tailgate-jerk. When I hit that bird, you would've thought someone stuck some 4th of July fireworks up him, because the view out my back window went from tailgate-jerk to a 15ft cloud of feathers. Good times.


Worst - a skunk. That's why I know how to remove skunk odor.

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I've taken out a squirrel or 2, a rabbit, a turtle, a jehovah's witness or 10, and i once found a bat plastered to the grill on my truck...another cool thing is i nailed a firefly one night, and has a phosphorescent green streak on my windshield...

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Well, living here in the Outback....They have millions of Kangaroos...and my 2nd week here I hit one with my Magna....The !@#$ing thing hopped right out in front of me and I nailed him on the right side of my car doing 100 K. Bent my hood, smashed my light, etc. Cost me $2000 Australian to get it fixed. I traded the car in after that for a Pickup with a Bull Bar. All Kangaroos must DIE!!!!  ;)



VB? Victoria Bitter?! ROCK ON! I can't count how many of those things I put back during my 6 week stay out there. Which part, if I may totally derail the thread?



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Couple of squirrels, and a deer. Didn't even see the damn thing. I heard the CRUNCH and saw the thing spinning on down the road. Dead as could be. Good $2,000 worth of damage.


Just wondering.. if I were to crack one and really mess it up... is getting out and shooting it a bad idea? I pass a million of 'em heading down hunting.

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another cool thing is i nailed a firefly one night, and has a phosphorescent green streak on my windshield...



You have to learn to be more gentle with your dates... ;)


Many critters, including a couple of deer (ran over a deer once that had just been hit and was still lying in the middle of the road...just past the crest of a hill...no damage but the smell of singed Bambi fur for a while...), some raccoon (pumpkinned one good), squirrels, birds, a cat, etc.


Funniest was a rabbit, though it wasn't my kill. Wife caught it while it was jumping and sent it flying up over the windshield....boing boing BOOIIIINNNGGGG!

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No 70mph.  :(



;) it was 4am, no one on the road, no cops, just perfectly straight.... 55 mph zone when i hit the cat... The thing was lucky i was only going 70 (give or take) instead of the 85 or 90 i was the night before when it was really open.

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Here is the list of creatures I have hit while driving. Most of them were killed in a US Air Force vehicle, prowling the prairies of the Dakota's and Montana:


Mule Deer -1

Bison - went over dashboard, pushed in windshild, flew over ladder rack and then got up and limped away. That cost me, no evidence to present to Air Force.

Elk - 1

Plethora of deer

Moose 1/2 it ran away too, but left antlers impregnated in the grill

numerous rattlesnakes

brown bear - took him home and skinned him, great steaks


badger -2hundreds of prairie dogs, too numerous to count

Pronghorn antilope - 3

eagle (think it was a golden, not much left over to verify)

8 ft bull snake

sheep - 2

hereford cow- great steaks, the sherriff and I divided it up evenly, if I promised not to say anything

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Here is the list of creatures I have hit while driving.  Most of them were killed in a US Air Force vehicle, prowling the prairies of the Dakota's and Montana:


Mule Deer -1

Bison - went over dashboard, pushed in windshild, flew over ladder rack and then got up and limped away.  That cost me, no evidence to present to Air Force.

Elk - 1

Plethora of deer

Moose 1/2 it ran away too, but left antlers impregnated in the grill

numerous rattlesnakes

brown bear - took him home and skinned him, great steaks


badger -2hundreds of prairie dogs, too numerous to count

Pronghorn antilope - 3

eagle (think it was a golden, not much left over to verify)

8 ft bull snake

sheep - 2

hereford cow- great steaks, the sherriff and I divided it up evenly, if I promised not to say anything



Not sure whether to be impressed with the sensible food use of roadkill....


or whether to be appalled at the massive senseless loss of life....


I could be bribed with a Bear Steak to get the right answer.

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1 Rabbit. On Christmas Day. Doing 100MPH on a deserted Motorway. Poor think looked like a dirty plastic bag to me until my wife erupted into tears at the spray of guts going 15ft into the air behind the car.


Kinda ruined her Xmas day and now she won't let me drive between our folks places on Christmas... So every other year I am stuck at the damn in-laws!! ;)

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Here is the list of creatures I have hit while driving.  Most of them were killed in a US Air Force vehicle, prowling the prairies of the Dakota's and Montana:


Mule Deer -1

Bison - went over dashboard, pushed in windshild, flew over ladder rack and then got up and limped away.  That cost me, no evidence to present to Air Force.

Elk - 1

Plethora of deer

Moose 1/2 it ran away too, but left antlers impregnated in the grill

numerous rattlesnakes

brown bear - took him home and skinned him, great steaks


badger -2hundreds of prairie dogs, too numerous to count

Pronghorn antilope - 3

eagle (think it was a golden, not much left over to verify)

8 ft bull snake

sheep - 2

hereford cow- great steaks, the sherriff and I divided it up evenly, if I promised not to say anything



I'm impressed. You get an Air Medal for all that? A Buffalo? Holy crap!

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:(:( Thanks, now I know I'm a serial killer ;):(


Biggest - a 12 point buck opening day of deer season on the 400 taking my Mom to the airport. One of three deer that I have hit and killed :lol::)


I got a crow two weeks ago, several small woodland creatures. No domestic animals yet but there still time.


A bridge - a motorcycle - a car (do they count) Damn and I'm a good driver :):) wanna go for a ride little boy

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