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Salary info

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I'm looking for all of the bills contracts and our status for next year. I'm curious what are money situation is going to look like and who we are going to need to resign.


I know about Nate. I know about the possibility of having to up Willis's contract if he out performs it.


Who else.



Thanks in advance.



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I'm looking for all of the bills contracts and our status for next year.  I'm curious what are money situation is going to look like and who we are going to need to resign. 


I know about Nate.  I know about the possibility of having to up Willis's contract if he out performs it. 


Who else.

Thanks in advance.





In addition to the info linked above getting one to the BillsDaily front office page, the other great contract resource for the Bills is a collection of Billszone.com done by ClumpingPlatelets at > http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...ry_cap_page.php <.


In addition, real salary cap info can be be found at NFLPA.com which is the unions's web page. As the NFL and NFLPA base a lot of their growing partnership on the exchange and publication of salary info (trust but verify) this is the most accurate salary info available (top 10 cap hots for each position and individual player payment levels can be found here).


There are limitations on this info and exact contract language and future cap hits cannot be found for specific language regarding some roster bonuses as this money has not been paid yet and thus is not part of the cap. For example, the cut of Ruben Brown by the Bills snuck up just about everyon except the two parties (Bills/Brown) who signed the contract as the date for the roster payment forced the Bills to decide in the off-season whether to cut Brown or not. This was this was the similar to the case for Mike Williams as roster bonuses escalated his cap hit to extraordinary levels though his cap hit is fairly easily manipulated by both parties by stretching out the deal and giving him a bit more money in his pocket up front and allocating the hit over the remaining contract.


I think the three resources of Clumpy, BillsDaily and NFLPA.com tell anyone much that they need to know about the Bills and the cap hit which does alot to determine their W/L in a given season.

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