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He grabbed girl's arm -- now he's a sex offender

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I honesty don't know what our legislatures are thinking.  I think some of them are just too out of touch with today's society.  The latest child porn law quickly comes to mind. It sounds great but it really does nothing to stop the problem.



but it makes us all feel so much better knowing there are laws against it :huh:


Won't you please think of the children!

DING! gotta go

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Not "supposedly".  They are.  The applicable statutes say that unlawful restraint, being detaining a child with or without the child's consent, is always a sexual offense.  I just looked it up.


Blisteringly stupid set of statutes, if you ask me.  I've got to ask my sister (a defense attorney) about this to be sure, but it looks set up so that in Illinois you can effectively be found guilty of a sexual offense without actually being charged with one...as the "unlawful restraint" statute is completely separate from the sexual offenses statutes.  Like I said, blisteringly stupid.  :)


Of course, this is from the same state where it's illegal to expose wheat to sulfur...  :huh:  ;)



Hey stop picking on Illnois! Oh wait, WTF am I saying? Nevermind, carry on...

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And that's the point where both of your kneecaps would be shattered from a baseball bat.


And more importantly, what the hell would chastising the kid do anyway? When I was younger, if I had mistakenly run into traffic, the scare of almost getting hit would be lesson enough. Some weird old man grabbing me and yelling at me would do nothing.


Really, WHAT did this old man think would get accomplished from this? "Oh, I yelled at her, she'll never run into the street again...



Look at those internet muscles. So impressive.


I got plenty of yelling at when I was a kid, bt the couple of times guys grabbed me and shook me around made a lot bigger impression on me than an "eff you" out a car window.

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Despite the fact that you used the BOLD option, surprisingly, it didn't have any effect on my opinion on this (and let me tell you, the bold option often gets me!).


I take back nothing I said. If I had a daughter, and some man grabbed her arm, he wouldn't walk for a while. You obviously don't agree with this. That's your opinion and that's fine.




It's this type of attitude that's slowly ruining our country. This liberal-esque "don't hurt my feelings or I'll come get you" thinking has got to go. You know what, sh*t happens that you don't agree with. Suck it up and move on.


If my kid was was being a terror and someone corrected her in public, do you know what I would do? I'd apologize to them for their inconvenience, and then the little one and I would have a discussion about respect. The only thing that says about me is that I learned a little bit about respect for other people.


Of course, it's not a black and white situation. Correcting? Fine. If anyone physically *hurt* my child, we'd have some serious issues. Kneecaps? Not a chance. I'm thinking more along the lines of prison. Two wrongs and all that.


I'm sure you'd sue your child's school if the horrible teacher "screwed" your kid by handing down a lowly B and you'd have it out with an administrator if your child was reprimanded for a dress-code violation, too.


Also, have you forgotten? This *man* corrected a *girl*. By virtue of that, he is an authority figure.


I've said it before. I was born in the 70's and I miss the 50's.



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Look at those internet muscles. So impressive.


I got plenty of yelling at when I was a kid, bt the couple of times guys grabbed me and shook me around made a lot bigger impression on me than an "eff you" out a car window.



Dead on.


I can't count the number of times I've been chased off of private property. Corrected countless times as a teenager for my choice of colorful language by people I've no acquaintance with.


Hell, back in high school I ran into a hall monitor of mine at the fair. I'd given this guy hell. The gentleman was actually speaking with my dad, turns out they were buddies. What happens? He smacks me right in the jaw. Gave me a good one. Right in front of my father. My father's reaction? "Keep giving this guy hell and I'll tell him to do more of that."


Straightened me right up.


That whole "it takes a village" thing. While Hillary is clearly a {insert insult of choice}, there's a point there. Twenty years ago, adults still had some authority over children. Today, everyone is afraid to do/say anything for fear of violence and lawsuits. The parents, who should take primary responsibility, are too addicted to their damn cell phones to look twice.



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This has gotta be the dumbest bullstoj i have ever seen...the girl does something stupid, and he acts on it so she doesnt get hit again, and now hes a sex offender?!? how the fugg does that work?

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I honesty don't know what our legislatures are thinking.  I think some of them are just too out of touch with today's society.  The latest child porn law quickly comes to mind. It sounds great but it really does nothing to stop the problem.




Politicians are too busy cow- towing to the bleeding heart liberals in order generate enough votes to stay permaently in office.


Doing the right thing is not an option.

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Politicians are too busy cow- towing to the bleeding heart liberals in order generate enough votes to stay permaently in office.


Doing the right thing is not an option.




Oh now there's a generalization I'm sure everyone will agree with. :huh:

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