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O'Conner retires

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It's what passes for liberal lajik...


Liberals in power: We'll do what we want so STFU


Liberals out of power: You must compromise with us on everything you do



This is pretty much partisan government "lahjik" (still don't get that one, I'll have to search it). To assign it to liberal or conservative ideology alone is to give one side too much credit.


I think the idea is that we all be represented in a court that makes decisions for all of us, over the long term. It is supposed to be (ahem) apolitical (of course not the case), and interpret our laws (again, unfortunately not always the case). This is not a case of one side of partisan hackery ceding ground to the other, it's a case of creating an environment that will make decisions that sit well with the American people for around 20 years. If the court becomes subject to the whims of one side or the other, as friends like Tom Delay would like, it becomes as useless as the rest of the government, as if it isn't close enough.


I think another Justice like O'Connor would fit the mold well, like EC-Bills says.

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Gonzales would not be a bad choice. Gut wrenching knee jerk garment rendering opinions to the aside, he's been well within the law on anything I can look up. Fairly middle of the road, too - leaning towards conservative, of course. It's Bush's turn to choose his team.


I recall, before the elctions were even held, that many people considered this the biggest, or at least one of the bigger long term issues for the next presidency.


Let's see what happens.

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Thankfully the Republicans are WAY different.  :)



Are you kidding? Republicans bend over nearly every single time something 'controversial' comes along. If they actually stood for something and told the Dems/Libs to STFU this country might stand half a chance. I can hardly recall much compromising when the Dems held the reigns...

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Gonzales would not be a bad choice. Gut wrenching knee jerk garment rendering opinions to the aside, he's been well within the law on anything I can look up. Fairly middle of the road, too - leaning towards conservative, of course. It's Bush's turn to choose his team.


I recall, before the elctions were even held, that many people considered this the biggest, or at least one of the bigger long term issues for the next presidency.


Let's see what happens.



I agree. Of the "supposed" list candidates that various papers have listed, I like Gonzales the best since he fits the bill of what I would look for in a candidate.

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I agree. Of the "supposed" list candidates that various papers have listed, I like Gonzales the best since he fits the bill of what I would look for in a candidate.




I get the feeling Gonzales will get the nod from Bush to replace O'Conner because he's probably the most moderate of the ones he would consider. He'll probably wait for Rehnquist to retire to nominate someone more hardline conservative.


As for Gavin, I'm not sure I recognize the country he's living in...

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I get the feeling Gonzales will get the nod from Bush to replace O'Conner because he's probably the most moderate of the ones he would consider. He'll probably wait for Rehnquist to retire to nominate someone more hardline conservative.


I was thinking along the same lines.


As for Gavin, I'm not sure I recognize the country he's living in...



I can't say anything against Gavin, he brought back the TD: Son of Satan thread :)

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I think thats his point, though I'll say I'm sorry for sticking my fat Irish ass in on something I'm sure I know nothing about. :)



Your ass isn't that fat. Well, yeah, yes it is,


Good way to keep a handle on that good lookin' thing you're married to.


The pictures of the girls were precious. GREAT shot. I saved it, that's a keeper.


I hope Army Bear is back in uniform.

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Your ass isn't that fat. Well, yeah, yes it is,


Good way to keep a handle on that good lookin' thing you're married to.


The pictures of the girls were precious. GREAT shot. I saved it, that's a keeper.


I hope Army Bear is back in uniform.



Your seat for the game is on back order. Though the Tax payers of Hillsbourgh County will be happy to replace that for you.


Can you believe that sh*t?????



Oh, BTW, thanks Buddy. The Girls are great. Army Bear is in Gitmo torturing lame dick azz terrorist MF'rs who think that we dont care. Other than that, girls are fine. :)


Though he is finding some time for himself, seem he likes the Beach. I'll forward a Pic......

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Gonzales would not be a bad choice. Fairly middle of the road,




this is why i think it was funny Teddy Kennedy put his martini down long enough to go on a rant today....almost as if to say,....(yes...i know i am putting words in his mouth :devil: )...


"...don't bring that middle of the road candidate before the senate. he is an extreme hard line conservative."


meanwhile hardline conservatives are getting ready to blast Bush if Gonzalez is his choice due to his moderate social position.


O'Connor's replacement hearings are going to be a battle like the invasion of Grenada compared to the Renquist replacement hearings that will be like the invasion of normandy.


you ain't seen nothin' yet.

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