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O'Conner retires

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Here's a chance for Bush to take a step at representing the majority of Americans and consulting with Democrats to find a nominee who could be supported by both sides. I'll wait and see if he does so before passing judgement. If they try to push Alberto Gonzalez, that will result in a fight even though he's Hispanic, since his hands are dirty from his blanket endorsement of the over-the-top interrogation tactics that have been used at Gitmo and in Iraq. At a time when the administration wants to put that black eye behind them, it would bring it to the forefront again.

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Alberto Gonzalez, that will result in a fight even though he's Hispanic, since his hands are dirty from his blanket endorsement of the over-the-top interrogation tactics that have been used at Gitmo and in Iraq.






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It's a bunch of crap, but wildman there does have a point - just because of the way he stated it, you know a lot of people are going to think that, and you can best bet that the Democrat part of the Senate will ride the horse - should they want to - even though THEY know better.

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It's a bunch of crap, but wildman there does have a point - just because of the way he stated it, you know a lot of people are going to think that, and you can best bet that the Democrat part of the Senate will ride the horse - should they want to - even though THEY know better.



Whoever Bush nominates, the Democrats will find SOMETHING to B word about. Party politics at its finest.


I suppose no one's considered that, given this is O'Connor retiring, the Senate Democrats are easily likely to block any male candidate...

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Those "over the top" techniques like turning the A/C down and playing rap music loudly!!!!


Up next at GTMO.......asking the person being interrogated for information without saying "please".


OH.......THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I do agree with Joey's other point, however.

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Here's a chance for Bush to take a step at representing the majority of Americans and consulting with Democrats to find a nominee who could be supported by both sides.  I'll wait and see if he does so before passing judgement.  If they try to push Alberto Gonzalez, that will result in a fight even though he's Hispanic, since his hands are dirty from his blanket endorsement of the over-the-top interrogation tactics that have been used at Gitmo and in Iraq.  At a time when the administration wants to put that black eye behind them, it would bring it to the forefront again.



I don't get this line of reasoning. He won. His party is in charge. While he can't pick a total whackjob, he gets to pick who he wants. That's the way the system works.

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I don't get this line of reasoning. He won. His party is in charge. While he can't pick a total whackjob, he gets to pick who he wants. That's the way the system works.



It's what passes for liberal lajik...


Liberals in power: We'll do what we want so STFU


Liberals out of power: You must compromise with us on everything you do




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Here's a chance for Bush to take a step at representing the majority of Americans and consulting with Democrats to find a nominee who could be supported by both sides.



I understand the gist of what you are saying but here's how I expand upon it and phrase it:


Here's a chance for Bush to take a step at representing the majority of Americans and consulting with the Senate to find a nominee who could be supported by both sides.


Of course that's just in theory, reality will probably be something totally different.


Personally, I would prefer someone along the lines of O'Conner. She was a moderate-conservative and as she phrased it, "open to persuasion."

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