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Who's seen War of the Worlds?

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I kinda liked her, and I think she's a pretty good actress, especially considering her age.  Did you see "Uptown Girls?"  She wasn't the same in that one.






yeesh...is that the movie with the olsen twins?


i did see hide and seek...maybe it was just her character, but she just started to annoy me

i did love her in that "I am Sam" movie even though i couldn't stand the movie itself

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yeesh...is that the movie with the olsen twins?


i did see hide and seek...maybe it was just her character, but she just started to annoy me

i did love her in that "I am Sam" movie even though i couldn't stand the movie itself



No, Uptown Girls was with Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning. It was predictable, but not bad.




You're thinking of New York Minute, which I havn't (and won't) seen. :D



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Hahaha as in screw you, aliens or hahaha as in stupid ending. If it's the latter, you have HG Wells to blame for that, right?


Stupid ending.... Never read the book and can't remember the original very well so I'm not sure how they ended. This ending was STUPID.....

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It is the same as the original film and the book.



The problem with the new version is the plot's focus is so low-level (on a single family) you don't get a sense of what's happening to the aliens around the world.


The 1953 movie (and the radio version, if I remember right) gave a much better sense of the slow collapse of the aliens due to the infection...the invasion just didn't screetch to a halt in Boston and be done with. The machines began to go down over a matter of days, which was much more "realistic."


As I said before, shoot the script writter on the new movie.

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The problem with the new version is the plot's focus is so low-level (on a single family) you don't get a sense of what's happening to the aliens around the world. 


The 1953 movie (and the radio version, if I remember right) gave a much better sense of the slow collapse of the aliens due to the infection...the invasion just didn't screetch to a halt in Boston and be done with.  The machines began to go down over a matter of days, which was much more "realistic."


As I said before, shoot the script writter on the new movie.

Yeah, shoot the script writer for staying with the original story, which as I said, doesn't hold up today and actually hasn't held-up for decades.

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Yeah, shoot the script writer for staying with the original story, which as I said, doesn't hold up today and actually hasn't held-up for decades.



The problem is that the hype and Spielberg's name was adequate to make it a semi-hit.

I am fundamentally against remakes but if someone is making it, at least make sure it is relevant to today's world. Or make a period piece.

Just very disappointed that one of my favorite directors could come up with such a movie.

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Yeah, shoot the script writer for staying with the original story, which as I said, doesn't hold up today and actually hasn't held-up for decades.



It's not the same script, IMO. That's like saying "Saving Private Ryan" had the same script as "The Longest Day," since they were both WWII movies about D-Day.


The personal/family angle just didn't work for me in the new movie. The story's too "big" to focus that small, IMO.

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It's not the same script, IMO.  That's like saying "Saving Private Ryan" had the same script as "The Longest Day," since they were both WWII movies about D-Day.


The personal/family angle just didn't work for me in the new movie.  The story's too "big" to focus that small, IMO.


Well the book was pretty similar in that way to this version.

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From what I've gathered, the book had tripods, which they tried to work into this current version, and added their own twist in that the "pilots" beamed down into them, to create the EMP's that disabled everything. That was an update, as was the addition of force fields to the tripods, because man has advanced-enough technology to bring down an un-shielded machine. But the fact that the aliens died because they didn't have antibiotics is stuff that was outdated back in the 1920's, when penicillin was invented. Are you telling me that a race so advanced that they can build machinery like that can't develop penicillin, or something better? I can forgive Wells because antibiotics weren't around when he wrote the story, but today it's laughable.

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From what I've gathered, the book had tripods, which they tried to work into this current version, and added their own twist in that the "pilots" beamed down into them, to create the EMP's that disabled everything.  That was an update, as was the addition of force fields to the tripods, because man has advanced-enough technology to bring down an un-shielded machine.  But the fact that the aliens died because they didn't have antibiotics is stuff that was outdated back in the 1920's, when penicillin was invented.  Are you telling me that a race so advanced that they can build machinery like that can't develop penicillin, or something better?  I can forgive Wells because antibiotics weren't around when he wrote the story, but today it's laughable.


The thing I've talked about with other people, is that possibly where the aliens are from, they had no bacteria, or completely exterminated all bacteria many years ago.


So when they wanted to invade, they never bothered trying to look for bacteria, because they had no idea what it was.


Another theory, is that when they planted the tripods here "millions of years ago", they found our bacteria, and came up with a solution to fight it. Now though, many years in the future, the bacteria has mutated and evolved so that they are no longer immune to it.

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I can forgive Wells because antibiotics weren't around when he wrote the story, but today it's laughable.



Who's to stay how alien physiology would react? I can remember when the moon shot astronauts were quarantined because they might have brought back some alien "germs." That seems laughable now, but it was a pretty serious matter back then.


I agree one of the stupidest things about the new flix was how the aliens went outside without any type of suit/protection. The 1953 movie was better, IMO, because those aliens weren't that dumb.


It's all fantasy anyway.

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The thing I've talked about with other people, is that possibly where the aliens are from, they had no bacteria, or completely exterminated all bacteria many years ago.


So when they wanted to invade, they never bothered trying to look for bacteria, because they had no idea what it was.


Another theory, is that when they planted the tripods here "millions of years ago", they found our bacteria, and came up with a solution to fight it.  Now though, many years in the future, the bacteria has mutated and evolved so that they are no longer immune to it.

Well then, all the more reason to wear suits when going onto the planet.

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