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Who's seen War of the Worlds?

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I just saw WOTW and realized why I never watch Sci-fi movies.....SPOILER ALERT






the movie was terrible...what in the hell did the aliens want? If you were an alien, wouldn't you go directly to the Playboy mansion??? How did they die? Did they all get HIV from some person they ate? How did crazy Tim Robbins house not get blown up, when they were blowing up everything in sight? How did 5 secretaries and some army dude pull Tom Cruise out of the alien? Did anyone else want to punch Robbie in the face? How ridiculous was the stealing of the van scene? Also how did they get a perfect route out of NYC, when 100,000 cars were broken down??? How was it that all of the east coast was devastated, yet Tom Cruises ex and her family look as if they just had crumpets and tea....I give it a 3/10....

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I just saw WOTW and realized why I never watch Sci-fi movies.....SPOILER ALERT

the movie was terrible...what in the hell did the aliens want? If you were an alien, wouldn't you go directly to the Playboy mansion??? How did they die? Did they all get HIV from some person they ate? How did crazy Tim Robbins house not get blown up, when they were blowing up everything in sight? How did 5 secretaries and some army dude pull Tom Cruise out of the alien? Did anyone else want to punch Robbie in the face? How ridiculous was the stealing of the van scene? Also how did they get a perfect route out of NYC, when 100,000 cars were broken down??? How was it that all of the east coast was devastated, yet Tom Cruises ex and her family look as if they just had crumpets and tea....I give it a 3/10....


















How did they die? From germs!! Were u watching the end off the film?


As for the rest there were a number of flaws and questionable continuity - but it is fantasy - you are meant to suspend disbelief and just enjoy it.

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How did they die? From germs!! Were u watching the end off the film?


As for the rest there were a number of flaws and questionable continuity - but it is fantasy - you are meant to suspend disbelief and just enjoy it.


What killed me was after the plane hit the house, the van was not damaged? give me a break! And then the three piled in and drove through this perfect path of debris?? Also the end sucked. How in the hell does his son survive that? If SS had balls, he would have killed him off. I tend to expect more from a SS film - maybe that's not fair, but I do. This was very disappointing. I didn't care AT ALL about any of the charters except D. Fanning and she carried the film!



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OK...Bottom line...should I spend $13 to see this or wait for the DVD?


You need to see it big screen purely for the effects and sound.


If you have a killer system at home I'd say DVD is OK - but the bottom line is this is a BIG SCREEN movie. DVD won't do it justice - the plot holes will stick out more.

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Saw it over the weekend. The beginning was fantastic really set up the dramatics, special effects were incredible, the acting was good.




From the point where they are in the basement until the end of the movie was horrible. It was rushed all the way from that point on. I looked at my wife and said "wow, that was disappointing" when it was over simply because of the last 20 minutes of the movie. If Speilberg is a creative genius he must have been working on something else during the last 20 minutes of this movie because it was worse than a B movie at that point.

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Saw it over the weekend. The beginning was fantastic really set up the dramatics, special effects were incredible, the acting was good.




From the point where they are in the basement until the end of the movie was horrible. It was rushed all the way from that point on. I looked at my wife and said "wow, that was disappointing" when it was over simply because of the last 20 minutes of the movie. If Speilberg is a creative genius he must have been working on something else during the last 20 minutes of this movie because it was worse than a B movie at that point.




;) Good avatar and Vrroom commentary!

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How did they die? From germs!! Were u watching the end off the film?


As for the rest there were a number of flaws and questionable continuity - but it is fantasy - you are meant to suspend disbelief and just enjoy it.


I haven't seen the movie, but I can't believe so many people are unfamiliar with the ending. I read the book last year but I can't remember ever not knowing that the Martians die off from the earth germs they weren't used to.


Part of me was hoping they might try to throw us for a loop by having a different ending.


As for the "rushed" ending - well, this isn't ID4 where Jeff Goldblum writes a computer virus on his Mac and wipes out an entire alien species. WOTW is probably the most realistic alien invasion story in that there's NOTHING we could do to stop them. As H.G. Wells wrote in the original book, "it was no more a war than that between ants and man." (paraphrase) There's nothing Tom Cruise or anyone else could do to stop the invasion. The story should basically be two hours of survival until the "tinniest creatures" on earth save us.

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So the setting was changed, and the actual person's point of view, but other than that, it was pretty true to the book.  At least a whole hell of a lot truer than most book to film adaptions we see.


If the film had stayed true to the book, the aliens would have gotten here by firing giant cylinders out of a giant cannon on Mars (explosions visible by telescope). Yikes. It's a great story but some things do need to be updated after 100 years.

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As for the "rushed" ending - well, this isn't ID4 where Jeff Goldblum writes a computer virus on his Mac and wipes out an entire alien species.  WOTW is probably the most realistic alien invasion story in that there's NOTHING we could do to stop them.  As H.G. Wells wrote in the original book, "it was no more a war than that between ants and man." (paraphrase)  There's nothing Tom Cruise or anyone else could do to stop the invasion.  The story should basically be two hours of survival until the "tinniest creatures" on earth save us.



And it was quite clear they couldn't be stopped.


Check out the movie and let us know what you think. It was almost like watching two different movies, one that was well developed and interesting to something that was running out of time and just needed to be complete.

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One last note. It was great NOT to see countless tounge-in-cheek one liners a la Will Smith in Independence Day, or the entire cast of Armegedden, or and every other sci-fi action flick since. Kind of takes away the realism factor when everybody is cracking jokes as the world is supposedly coming to an end. Kudos to Speilberg.



These two movies are classic fun movies in my mind. Who in the heck actually believes that aliens are coming to take us over? It's more likely to me to see zombies come out of the ground and that's what i think makes movies like Dawn of the Dead so great. The humor....

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Yeah, drive-ins are pretty cool; it's sad that there aren't many left in the country :(


If you're in Minnesota, here's the theater:



It's right off of I-94 in Lake Elmo (just east of Woodbury).


You can even bing a Weber grill and tailgate before the movies which is pretty cool. ;)






We go a ton in the summer. There is one in Avon, it's about 40 minutes from our house. We saw WOTW and Mr. & Mrs. Smith too. Two weeks ago it was Batman and Miss Congeniality 2 (what a waste).


We usually get there about 7 and bring Chinese or Subs and camp out on the back of the truck. It's great fun!!! And it's reasonable...

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And it was quite clear they couldn't be stopped.


Check out the movie and let us know what you think. It was almost like watching two different movies, one that was well developed and interesting to something that was running out of time and just needed to be complete.


The ending to Jurassic Park III is the best example of rushed/whatever ending that I can think of.


I'll check out WOTW in the next couple weeks.

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